We have played a session of "Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan". I'm working with the Fog of War (FoW). Everything worked fine in the last session.
We just started a new session. My players see only white areas and their tokens where I have revealed the FoW - not the map.
For me as the GM, things appear fine. When I join as player, I have the same problem as my players. (When I re-join as GM, it goes away.) I have tried resetting the FoW and revealing areas again, same problem. I have tried hiding areas and revealing them again, same problem. Switching around between layers doesn't change anything. The problem persists under Firefox and Chrome (at least for me). Screenshots for what I see as a GM and as a player are attached.
I'd like for my players to see the revealed map again. Any thoughts?
EDIT: it looks like this report from two days ago is the same problem: https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/8425781/
ANOTHER EDIT: below is the Firefox console log I get when I log into my GM account and re-join as a player.
Firebase Offline app.js:552:28448
Player -M3aKoDonZ3UHypAqLDf is offline... app.js:559:27707
Firebase Online app.js:552:28237
Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”). editor:12:1
Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”). editor:13:1
JQMIGRATE: Logging is active jquery.migrate.js:20:10
Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”). 3 jquery-1.9.1.js:1444:6
Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”). 3 jquery-1.9.1.js:1450:5
This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”. editor
CAMPAIGN ID: 6502583 startjs:15:9
70 app.js:552:26453
TOUCH SUPPORTED: false app.js:554:15373
USING WEBGL ACCELERATION... app.js:554:15813
WEBGL STARTUP SUCCESS app.js:554:16286
Custom Sheet Translation app.js:556:17906
RTCIceServer.url is deprecated! Use urls instead. 3 app.js:278
Loading Custom character sheet. app.js:574:12565
Including compendium template css. app.js:574:12682
tuts loaded tutorial_tips.js:7:10
Invalid URI. Load of media resource failed. editor
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:153:13433
Starting up WEB WORKER sheetsandboxworker.js:682:10
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:164:111617
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:183:15520
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:187:17706
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:187:19502
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:189:21299
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:190:21237
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:194:17922
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:194:39367
unreachable code after return statement ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:197:71233
Final page load. app.js:563:18016
Auth'ed. app.js:561:18867
Go post auth! app.js:561:19064
initial setup app.js:561:19201
joining game... app.js:561:28321
Player -M3aKoDonZ3UHypAqLDf is offline... app.js:559:27707
THREE.WebGLRenderer 69 app.js:228:29039
Full load page! 7 app.js:558:21774
We have 7 pages app.js:561:20321
Player -M3aVGw5xcqG80qjvA7R is offline... app.js:559:27707
Player -M3aWzfGYOy6wm711eQG is offline... app.js:559:27707
Player -M3ytIlkFvaWwH93aBLG is offline... app.js:559:27707
Player -M40Chn7NfQvZbCNkESj is offline... app.js:559:27707
Player -M43W0QmEUJQW5MDPeip is offline... app.js:559:27707
Player -M43eYYPnS7cHipKfUV7 is offline... app.js:559:27707
Successfully compiled asm.js code (total compilation time 2333ms) ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js
Player -M442cXyTaXTyqKe2eDK is offline... app.js:559:27707
Deferred finish joining... app.js:561:28411
Firebase Online app.js:552:28237
This site appears to use a scroll-linked positioning effect. This may not work well with asynchronous panning; see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Performance/ScrollLinkedEffects for further details and to join the discussion on related tools and features! editor
Could not load image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/marketplace/254272/wC0hptBr_OgVP0VojolhGg/thumb.png?1487379462&1490327703 app.js:552:7889
Could not load image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/marketplace/254363/X2tZFRPzmDNC5aMJKDW14w/thumb.png?14878242735&1490327914 app.js:552:7889
Could not load image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/marketplace/254362/aNGVWIYb275dS1Mzukjf8A/thumb.png?1487824273&1490327913 app.js:552:7889
Debounced init page! 2 app.js:554:28817
Debounced init page! app.js:554:28817