Before I start a new thread for a related issue, I will post it here as well. Players in this campaign cannot manipulate/move the cards placed to table with that function, only the GM (even if the players use the command, no transform controls appear on click). The cards are drawn directly from the deck and then placed to the table. I find this odd and I can't find any documentation on the issue. I'll post the whole code snippet for reference (I have a command that places the cards to the table on top of some tokens in the GM layer using an iterator). alias : "placeCards" , regex : /!placeCards\s ([ \w+\d+(?:_90)?,? ] + ) / , function : function ( msg ) { if ( config [ this . alias ]. gmOnly && ! playerIsGM ( msg . playerid )) return ; var args = this . regex . exec ( msg . content )[ 1 ]. split ( "," ); args . forEach ( arg => { var isRotated = arg . includes ( "_90" ); var tokenName = arg . replace ( "_90" , "" ); var tokens = findObjs ({ _type : "graphic" , _subtype : "token" , name : tokenName }); if ( tokens . length > 0 ) { var token = tokens [ 0 ]; var card = drawCard ( deckId ); playCardToTable ( card , { left : token . get ( "left" ), top : token . get ( "top" ) }); if ( isRotated ) { //cardIdsToRotate.push(card); setTimeout ( function () { var cardObj = getObj ( "card" , card ); cardObj . set ( "rotation" , 90 ); }, 100 ); } } }); if ( config [ this . alias ]. sendMessageToChat ) { SendMessageToChat ( config [ this . alias ]. message . replace ( "$PLAYERNAME" , msg . who )); } }