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LFG and DM for Rogue Trader (preferred) or Only War


Edited 1399955135
Change of plans from my original post. I came across a rule set that converts Rogue Trader to the Only War rules and they seem to have done a good job with it. What I'm looking for is one more person to be not only a player but a GM and when I say player but also GM what I mean is that monthly we will rotate the duties of GM. When it's your turn you can either piggy-back off of any storyline of the previous GM, run some endeavors for a bit of profit, or start something new. This gives us all the chance to play as well as develop an overall story with twists and turns. One player will have the Rogue Trader and each other player will have not only their own character but their own ship. The system found here contains all the rules needed for character creation and some other info. A little polishing needs to be done with talents but other than that it looks to be ready to go. If there are any questions feel free to ask and know that if you do jump on board with this we will all work out the little kinks over skype that may come up such as xeno's characters. For days and times I'm still looking at Friday's around 730pm EDT/GMT -5. Please either post here or send me a pm if interested.

Edited 1399925233
I'm thinking about running a RT game come July. I'd be just as happy to play in one, though not one that someone else has set up the parameters to. If I GM a game, I get to set the parameters. If you're going to GM, how often do you plan on playing? For how long per session?
Not looking to GM. And if anyone is taken aback by the things I listed above, I'm willing to forgo everything but the time of the game and each player having a ship and small crew. Items, rank, and story I have no qualms about letting someone else dictate, I'm just putting out what I would LIKE to see in a game as every game I have been in, which was play by post, never made it far at all.
I completely understand the frustrations of joining game after game only to see it fail. I'm still tossing around if I want to run Rogue Trader or Deathwatch. It will be one of those, but I can't do it every week. I'm a family and career man and don't have the free time to do it weekly.

Edited 1399955496
Yeah I know the feeling about not enough time, really only have enough to play in two games a week and even then I miss a few games because of work. Edited the original post and changed what I'm looking for. If anyone had read it before, please scroll up to check it out now..
Question, RT is normally played with a single ship right? Also I will have to check but i might be about to do 7:30 fridays, I will get back to you all on that. So let me figure out my time situation and look over the modded rules and I will get back to you all on it.
Normally one ship yes but with us each having our own we'll get to see vastly different strategies come into play. Since myself and one other are both eastern timezone, pushing it back to 8 might be an option. We might have one more already too but she's GMT+1 I think. I also came across some rules for xeno's characters I'm going to look over a bit more, since it might be a group of only four of us I'm thinking we each get a second character starting, and gaining xp at, 3/4 the main character. They'll mostly be there to fill in gaps on ground missions and in space and be an extra body in a firefight. For the gm rotation, I'm thinking every month or so unless someone has a really good story that they want to continue. As we run the game we'll inevitably create a stable of NPC's that can be used by the others as well as locations or plot hooks. I also hope that this will prevent GM burnout by giving a break for a few months.If you have any questions please add me on skype cookie_deuce and we can talk.