I've encoded an mp4 and a webm both to be less than 5 MB, uploaded to my art library and cannot get them on the the page...drag and drop works for tokens, jpgs, but not for the videos. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
I've encoded an mp4 and a webm both to be less than 5 MB, uploaded to my art library and cannot get them on the the page...drag and drop works for tokens, jpgs, but not for the videos. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Roll20 doesn't support videos on the tabletop. You can create gifs, but they must comply with the normal file-size limits as other files.
Thank you for your reply. However...
Their documentation says they support both webm and mp4 here:
And here:
"Roll20 supports the following image file types: jpg, png, gif, animated gif, mp4, webm & PDF (upon upload, you'll be asked which page from the PDF will be converted to an image)."
Is that no longer the case? Am I reading it wrong?
I do not use animated images at all, so I may be incorrect here, but I think that support is only for tokens on the Object Layer, and not maps.
Edit: I might be wrong. The original announcement thread seems to indicate map usage: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/7160288/animations-and-afow-offical-feedback-thread/?pagenum=1
Thanks for your reply Rabulias.
I can't even get them to show up as tokens or object layer items at all.
Drag and drop results in nothing.
I don't use animations, but knew I had seen something recently on animations. Tracked it down in case there is something there that may be of use to you:
Thank you Kraynic.
That is intresting, so webm is supported....I'll dive into the marketplace and see what they are selling and see if a webm can be had and try it as a marketplace asset.
I don't know if you have more information but I'm interested !
I've converted am mp4 in webm format, upload is ok. But when I try to drag and drop so as to obtain a background => nothing :(
I've this error in console log:
Could not load image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/128673595/TAZUvrNkoUR2cCH_j1mRuQ/med.webm?15881106245 instrument.ts:129:35
yn instrument.ts:129
s app.js:552
sentryWrapped helpers.ts:85
Maybe you have to wait longer before attempting? This is from the Announcement.
>> When you first upload an
animation, the thumbnail preview in the Recent Uploads list displays a
broken image. Refreshing the page, or just the uploads list (clicking
the little 2-box filter icon) fixes this.
Thanks, Mike. I've effectively seen the broken image and I didn't know it could be fix by cliking the little box. Actually, I use to refresh my page in order to see the thumbnail. But no result concerning my problem.
I've made many tests. If my webm file is encoded with vp9, I can't even upload it.
If it's encoded with vp8, I can upload it. I see the webm file in the "Recent uploads" section.
From this section if I try to drag and drop the webm file nothing happens on the page. If I do the same and I copy it in my library before, the thumbnail appears on the page. When I try to resize it, it's just like if I was using the thumbnail itself and resizing gives me a blurred pic...
Still working on it... If you have an idea...
I have several webm video files uploaded that I use as character portraits. When I drag them to the tabletop they work fine on both the Token layer and the Map layer. All of my uploaded webm files are between 1 and 1.5 Meg in size.
I'm having the same problem. My MP4 files are under 5Mb and I can see them in my library but can't get them on the board
I'm trying to add some animations to my game for environmental effects. I've followed the listed parameters and am unable to either upload them, or drag them onto the VTT.
Edit: I've tried mp4 and webm both under 5mb
Semana pasada funcionaban perfecto, ahora estan rotos, todos iguales. La imagen no presenta animacion y muestra poca calidad. ¿Que paso?
Descubri el error Keleshan, si llevas la imagen en cualquier carpeta se daña. pero si solamente la dejas en "Recent Uploads" los videos te funcionan. Un bug.
In the Javascript console on the page, I see a permissions error trying to move the animated image onto the map.
"s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/[...]/c_Ogmi1[...]_bexQezA/med.webm?159370259055:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)"
I was able to do this once, one map worked, but since then several maps have _not_ worked.
Same problem. I'm trying to upload a 6.5mb webm and it takes a century. Besides, when it does it by dragging it to the map layer it loses a lot of quality, it's exaggerated. If I drag gifs or webm to a folder, they literally get damaged.
We hope that they will fix this annoying problem.
I have had the same issue with the 403 Error. But after a few hours it usually all worked fine.
I have the feeling that the webm files are reviewed by roll20 staff before we get access to them.
That would explain why the files are accessible after a while and that it takes a random amount of time. Also my last upload on sunday did not work yet after quite some hours.
Joe said:
I have had the same issue with the 403 Error. But after a few hours it usually all worked fine.
I have the feeling that the webm files are checked out by roll20 staff before we get access to them.
That would explain why the files are accessible after a while and that it takes a random amount of time. Also my last upload on sunday did work after quite some hours.
Thanks for that Joe! I always thought the upload stalled. Gonna give it a try and not bail out and share back.
I'm gonna jump in here with a "same here". I've been able to upload animated maps, webm to be specific, here and there, but I'm always met with either engorged "upload" times or it just doesn't upload at all and I get no notification.
This morning, I tried again. First, I uploaded two animated tokens, each a little less than 2mb. They took longer to upload than I would have liked, but they appeared in my list and I was able to use them Then I tried to upload an animated map. The map's dimensions are large - 2048x1810 - but the file size is 4.7mb. I cleared the console of my browser's dev tools and dropped the file onto the upload area. This is what I get:
Uncaught abort("Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value 268435456, (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY to a higher value before the program runs, or (4) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 "). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.
A quick google search suggests that this isn't necessarily a problem with the size of the file being uploaded, but that the ffmpeg buffer server side should be increased to 536870912 in order to accommodate larger dimensions. I tried uploading as MP4, first with 8mbps then with 4mbps to get a 4.6mb file and a 2.2mb file respectively. Notably, both immediately seemed to fail, with the same error in the console, but after refreshing the page, the MP4s both appeared in my library, now as WEBM files.
EDIT: Even though both now appear in my library, dragging either of them to the playfield results in a slew of additional errors in the console, but no map on the screen. Similarly, I get console errors when mousing over the icons in the library - 403 Forbidden and "Error loading graphic, probably due to CORS" whatever that is.
I just uploaded a 9mb mp4 file. It seems that the file is converted to webm in the browser prior to uploading. That explains the delay we have until it is shown as an webm file in the "recent uploads".
Also i tried different Resolutions.
The filesize was not the issue (720 was bigger than 1080).
Also the 720p file was pretty much instantly available which contradicts my earlier assumption that a human factor might be involved.
Just tried uploading an animated map MP4 at 9.359MB 1280x720 24FPS. Started at 11:18AM PST, and as of 2:11PM PST, still stuck around 25% since just after it started. Going to bail out on it soon...
Joe said:
I just uploaded a 9mb mp4 file. It seems that the file is converted to webm in the browser prior to uploading. That explains the delay we have until it is shown as an webm file in the "recent uploads".
Also i tried different Resolutions.
- 1280x720 -> did work fine
- 1920x1080 -> did not work (403)
- 2560x1440 -> did not work (403)
The filesize was not the issue (720 was bigger than 1080).
Also the 720p file was pretty much instantly available which contradicts my earlier assumption that a human factor might be involved.
KofaSing KoodGarma said:
Just tried uploading an animated map MP4 at 9.359MB 1280x720 24FPS. Started at 11:18AM PST, and as of 2:11PM PST, still stuck around 25% since just after it started. Going to bail out on it soon...
Joe said:
I just uploaded a 9mb mp4 file. It seems that the file is converted to webm in the browser prior to uploading. That explains the delay we have until it is shown as an webm file in the "recent uploads".
Also i tried different Resolutions.
- 1280x720 -> did work fine
- 1920x1080 -> did not work (403)
- 2560x1440 -> did not work (403)
The filesize was not the issue (720 was bigger than 1080).
Also the 720p file was pretty much instantly available which contradicts my earlier assumption that a human factor might be involved.
Uploading time of a mp4 depends largely on your cpu. It is converted to webm in your browser (utilizing your cpu) before the uploading really starts. Unfortunately the only indication of the converting process is your cpu load. At least this is based on my observations.
You can work around this by converting the file to webm by yourself. You can use the program handbrake for that. The filesize can be controlled by setting the avg. bitrate.
9.359 MB might fail anyway. That's at the very upper limit of upload size and there is a certain amount of overhead.
Yeah, I've been trying this as well. I'm not a total luddite, but I'm also not versed at all in computer languages, as it were. I was able to upload an mp4 file that was translated to webm, approximately 7.25mb. It shows in my uploads as the image, and it shows it animating when I hover over it; it also shows the thumbnail in the page directory where I've dragged the file over to map layer. It just won't show on the actual page...and I'm not really sure if there are any other steps I could take to make it show up.
Also been trying this today. Read the FAQ, got file size down, converted to webm. Uploaded the file (but it stalled), refresh and it's there. Drag in the file. NOTHING! Nothing at all.
Any ideas Roll20 please?!
Did a few more tests.
There seems to be a weird factor that decides if it works or not. I guess on our end we cannot figure it out and Roll20 does not seem to care much. Do animated maps work hasslefree on fantasygrounds?
Can also confirm this does not work with .gif files; they also get converted to .webm, will upload, show as animated thumbnails, but cannot be transferred to a 'canvas'
It does support such formats. However, a few things to keep in mind:
1. The best formula is to upload the mp4 to roll20 (the platform automatically converts it into a webm).
2. You can upload the webm, but the platform reconfigures it anyway.
3. Uploading this type of file has two disadvantages: it takes a century to load, and when it does, the reproduction is LOW, it loses a lot of quality.
What you are saying has happened to me several times, you have to delete the file and upload it again, maybe the 2nd or 3rd time you upload it it will be seen correctly. You have to wait for the correct upload message. There is also another error, certain files when you put them into a folder on the platform lose their movement, and look like frozen images.
All these problems of loss of quality, response time to upload the files, failures in the uploads etc.... I already reported them in a post, but roll20 has not done anything about it.....
Previous post.
I tried something based on the suggestion from Marcos G. and it seemed to work. (There's a bug that the mp4 works only if it's in the "Recent Uploads" folder.)
I made a quick mp4 with my webcam. I dragged and dropped it directly onto the map (making sure map layer was active), and left it in the "Recent Uploads" folder. It worked.
When I moved the file into a subfolder it changed to the broken link image.
I'm using google chrome and used the built-in windows camera to create the mp4.
Is there no update to this? I've used webms before, and the ones in my folders still work in full quality when I drag them to the tabletop, but any webms I try to upload now don't animate and are stuck in the low-res, blurred quality like with what Keleshan had. This feels like a Roll20 update that broke webms.
Update: Persistence prevailed, and what Rober M. recommended worked. If you want to upload a webm directly and retain the quality, you might have to retry it multiple times - make sure you sit there and let it appear in the 'recent uploads' folder before you close the upload popup. If it doesn't work, try it again. It's annoying, but animated gifs are awesome.
I too am having this issue. I'm trying to use an animated asset, I've tried webm and mp4 file formats. File size is around 500 kb, so the issue isn't there.
I can upload and I see them in my art library but I can't seem to apply them to a page or get them to work.
I just purchased an animated fire WEBM from the Marketplace but cannot get it to upload. Is this not a functional property of Roll20? Is there any kind of installation guide from the user or Roll20?
OK, I have managed to upload some of the WEB images by dragging to the desktop and they appear in recent uploads. But when dragging them to the map itself they won't actually show up in any layer, even though they are visible in my sidebar as animated. Any suggestions?
UPDATE; appears to be working now. The drag and drop delay is substantial.
I would really like this to be simple. I have successfully managed to upload mp4s before, but the last couple of days, no joy at all. I have converted a mp4 to Webm and have tried applying it to the map layer, but as soon as it is there it loses loads of quality, and doesn't animate.
It would be great if Roll20 could shed some light on how this process is actually meant to work and whether they will actually endeavour to make it streamlined.
I have also thrown my hat into the arena of trying animated maps on Roll20 and I am finding it difficult to get current information on how best to accomplish this. When I drag and drop a .webm file, the upload takes an INCREDIBLY long time for an 4.6MB file. It took probably close to an hour, which I cannot explain, but with patience, it got there in the end.
I have success with the VTT ES browser extension add ons and using GITHUB to host the MP4.
Just need to link the "raw" URL from Github and it instantly pops up on Roll20.
Also Github allows 25MB in file size so that's a plus.
I just tested a few 350 kb webm files and they each took about 20 minutes before I could drag them onto the token layer. Maybe upload your files, leave them overnight and drag them out the next day if they are bigger?
"[...]350 kb webm files and they each took about 20 minutes before I could drag them onto the token layer"
It took 20 minutes to be able to use something that was only 350 KILObytes!? Not mega? That's insane!
This probably explains why I've also been having trouble getting this to work.
Unfortunately waiting 20 minutes (or overnight!?) is definitely not an option. Especially when there are more modern VTTs that are INSTANT.
To any Roll20 staff reading this (if indeed any Roll20 staff actually read any of these posts) I know you guys have been falling behind but it's getting ridiculous lately. New features that just break things or are worse than the old iterations. Feature requests being ignored for YEARS. Bugs gone unfixed for YEARS. Seriously, how do you guys expect to survive against competitors if you are unwilling to do ANYTHING to make the platform function better?
If you think you have the userbase and can just sit back and do nothing because "they aren't going anywhere", then I would seriously suggest you all think again. I'm almost positive you are already seeing an exodus of paying members. I have personally seen what your main competitor (won't name them here) is capable of, and with a better pricing structure.
Earl said:
I feel ya, Earl. The RPG communities I engage with are increasingly heading to other VTT platforms due to Roll20's glacial pace of progress & upgrades.