Hello everyone, I messed around yesterday and wrote this script for a 5e game that rolls to attack, compares the roll against the target token's armor class and, on a hit, automatically deducts the damage done from the token's Bar3 (the red, leftmost bar which my group always uses for health). The attacking character will give a message with the attack's results. It's pretty simple compared to some of the stuff I've seen here, but I still thought someone might get some use out of it. My players definitely enjoyed it in our game last night and it sped up combat considerably. The script is invoked with a macro in this format: !attack @{selected|token_id} @{target|token_id} [[< attack roll> ]] <attack bonus> [[< damage roll> ]] [[< crit damage roll> ]] <attack description (one word)> Here is an example with actual values: !attack @{selected|token_id} @{target|token_id} [[d20]] 7 [[1d8+3]] [[1d8]] longsword To give the attack advantage or disadvantage, you simply change the attack roll like so, respectively: !attack @{selected|token_id} @{target|token_id} [[2d20k1]] 7 [[1d8+3]] [[1d8]] longsword !attack @{selected|token_id} @{target|token_id} [[2d20kl1]] 7 [[1d8+3]] [[1d8]] longsword This does unfortunately require that you have 3 macros/abilities set up for each attack type, but I still prefer this to using queries as it reduces the number of steps an action takes, which was the goal of the script. If you're averse to that many buttons, you could also adjust the attack inline roll on the fly before using or, more easily, change it to a query. This script also assumes that every token represents a character, and that said character has an armor class value. This does mean you need to make a character for each monster type and set the tokens to represent them, but all you need to fill out is their armor class, so set up is minimal. You can also use the monster character type to set up macros/abilities for this script, so both players and enemies both use it for much faster combat. With all the explanations out of the way, here is the script: <a href="https://gist.github.com/Dylan-Hodge/57b4088b24a3ec9288a00e2049ac6d41" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/Dylan-Hodge/57b4088b24a3ec9288a00e2049ac6d41</a> EDIT: Here is a variant that uses the same logic, but deducts from Bar1: <a href="https://gist.github.com/Dylan-Hodge/b078519812c242c7ea283f2cd06e697f" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/Dylan-Hodge/b078519812c242c7ea283f2cd06e697f</a> And here is one that deducts from Bar2: <a href="https://gist.github.com/Dylan-Hodge/3118d390816573f50aacbe59a73cf3ca" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/Dylan-Hodge/3118d390816573f50aacbe59a73cf3ca</a>