Bumping this for GiGs' convenience, and adding one link plus a newly noticed bug.
keithcurtis said:
Consolidated List of Bugs and Feature Requests
For whenever health, time and inclination allow. I just thought it would be handy to have these in one place.
Bug: parentheses in a feature name breaks the output of the script — keithcurtis
Feature: Include second value that, if specified, is printed on each button in parentheses — Persephone
Feature: Allow more than one attribute to be included in the report — keithcurtis
Feature: pass any unfiltered text through the UCM — keithcurtis
Code change: Don't Archive Chat Menu — keithcurtis
The linked posts explain the issue, and in some cases, provide suggested syntax.
Code change: Look into incorporate this fix for the parentheses issue — Steph
Feature: Option to build buttons with "/w gm " when the menu is printed by the GM for easy secret rolls. — Persephone
And a new, related bug
Sort of the opposite issue as above: "|field!filter" also prevents items with empty "field" from being printed, and only prints items with non-empty fields containing values that do not match the filter.
only prints repeating_actions with a non-empty "other" field that also does not contain "One-Action", even though the empty fields also do not contain that specified text.
Current workaround: Multiple calls for that section; one that calls all the items with an empty "other" field, then a few that search for a letter that will only come up in text that doesn't contain "One-Action" and is also likely to be used in that field (very limited options and extends time it takes for the script to filter and print the menu)
--repeating_actions|name|action|action_type=Other|other=- --repeating_actions|name|action|action_type=Other|other=minute|other!- --repeating_actions|name|action|action_type=Other|other=hour|other!- --repeating_actions|name|action|action_type=Other|other=day|other!-