Hello. I've written a script that places cards to the table using the playCardToTable function, but there doesn't appear to be an option to rotate the graphic on placement, and there doesn't seem to be a logical event to hook into that would allow me to do this immediately after the placement.
According to the forum post here https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6223396/slug%7D, the only options available are as follows:
{ left: X position in pixels. Defaults to the center of the page. top: Y position in pixels. Defaults to the center of the page. width: width of token in pixels. Defaults to the deck's defaultwidth, or to 98 if the deck has no default. height: height of token in pixels. Defaults to the deck's defaultheight, or to 140 if the deck has no default. layer: the layer the token will appear on. Defaults to the objects layer. pageid: the page the token is played to. Defaults to the current player page. isdrawing: whether to treat the token as a drawing. Uses the deck "treatasdrawing" as the default. currentSide: whether the card is played face up or face down, with 0 being face up and 1 being face down. Defaults to the deck's default setting. }
If anyone knows a way to do this, please share, otherwise, I suppose this could be treated as an API request.
Thank you in advance.