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Spell attack rolling attack die and asking for spell level in reverse

So this definitely seems more like a bug than a feature... but every single spell that my players use that is a spell attack, ranged or melee, will roll the attack die first, then only ask what level you're casting the spell at if you click to roll damage die. While this doesn't sound like a big deal on paper, it allows players to choose to burn a low level slot if an attack misses or a higher slot for more damage on a hit... it's very backwards. As far as I can tell, it's been this way since we started two different campaigns (mixture of classes across both, with same problem) over a month ago.  Please advise... I really don't want to have to create a macro for every single spell to do what should be a default in my opinion...

Edited 1587225699
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Turn on auto roll damage and crit for those characters. To do this for all characters, change the setting on your game details page. Here are the steps (I just wrote them out for a different problem in another thread): 1) Go to the Campaign Settings Page 2) Choose "Auto Roll Damage & Crits" under the Default Sheet Settings 3) Save 4) Load your game 5) Go to the settings tab on the right and scroll to the bottom where you will find a button that says Apply Default Settings. Press it. 6) Choose to update the Auto Damage Roll settings. Wait a minute or two for it to resolve.
Andele said: keithcurtis said: Turn on auto roll damage and crit for those characters. To do this for all characters, change the setting on your game details page. Here are the steps (I just wrote them out for a different problem in another thread): That is not what OP is asking for, stop trolling. Sadly, currently the 5e OLG/Roll20 base character sheet is just plain bugged/broken when it comes to spellcasting when it comes to order of operations. Did you really just call KeithCurtis a troll... you need to check yourself.  This man helps more people over his morning coffee than you will in a year.  You may not like his answer, but it was the only functional answer to solve the problem.  Maybe if people stopped bitching about what roll20 wont or can't do and learned to live within the constraints of what it does do, they'd be happier.  The only reason not to auto roll advantage / disadvantage and damage is because you're trying to preserve some "feeling" of being at the table rolling dice.  You aren't at the table rolling dice and auto rolling is cleaner and faster.  Once you get used to it, you don't even give the crit that you didn't get on the second roll more than a passing glance.  The only special rule required for it is to say that if you use an ability that will allow you to get a second roll after you've made the roll, then another roll must be made in which you have not seen the results of the second role first.
Funny, I never notice this bug.  Of course I have the sheets set to auto roll advantage and damage.  So, as you can see, it's not a bug as far as I'm concerned.  You try to make roll20 conform to you and you complain about bugs and broken functions.  I use it the way it was intended and it runs smooth for me.  
I’ll go on enjoying my not broken game.  You have fun fixing posts and complaining about bugs.  Happy adventuring!
Who would have guessed, the person throwing names around is the one keeping the fight going.  You and I disagree.  There is no reason to subject everyone to the argument.  I’m not coming around to your point of view, nor do I expect you to come around to mine.  But by all means keep pushing for the win...
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I would remind people that the Code of Conduct we all agreed to prohibits personal attacks. 
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I am unable to reproduce the behavior described on the older version of the character sheet. I created a game using the legacy code available on github. Auto Damage splits a roll into two different actions. Damage is dependent on level cast, the to-hit roll is not. The level inquiry would have no bearing on the separate to-hit roll, and the level cannot be "remembered" in between rolls. In order to be asked first and then have the to-hit roll and damage rolled requires it to be a single event. It's the way the dice engine works, not the character sheet.
keithcurtis said: I am unable to reproduce the behavior described on the older version of the character sheet. I created a game using the legacy code available on github. Auto Damage splits a roll into two different actions. Damage is dependent on level cast, the to-hit roll is not. The level inquiry would have no bearing on the separate to-hit roll, and the level cannot be "remembered" in between rolls. In order to be asked first and then have the to-hit roll and damage rolled requires it to be a single event. It's the way the dice engine works, not the character sheet. Thank you for the explanation (and further testing). So if it's a limitation of the code of Roll20 and, going on the assumption, it can't be "fixed", would the best course of action be to macro the spells if I really wanted them to be asked the spell level before dice are rolled? I did notice that autorolling the damage would be a workaround to the issue, I've just never been a fan of extra dice rolled that aren't needed (hence my other bug report with the proficiency die) like in the case of a miss. In the grand scheme of things, it's a huge  inconvenience, but just that, an inconvenience until/unless the devs see it as a problem and adjust accordingly. 
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Hmm. I'm not sure. Just announcing it in play before pressing the button would be one solution. Given that my players often forget to actually cast a spell (press a button) entirely unless there is rolling involved, in our games it's usually announced first. Beyond that, I don't there is an easy to implement mechanical solution.
Stop trolling and revert the sheet already to its last week version when the spell level was asked before and locked in to the attack roll.
Andele said: Stop trolling and revert the sheet already to its last week version when the spell level was asked before and locked in to the attack roll. Andele, I think you should take a chill pill... Keithcurtis isn't trolling, he's helping as best he can given what tools he has (and 1000x the knowledge about Roll20 than you or I do). I've been doing Roll20 for around 2 months and the spells that roll attack die have always done this, it's not a recent-change issue. Given Keithcurtis' explanations, it makes sense. Since/If you don't have anything constructive or helpful to say, please feel free to not post in this thread further...