I came up with a great idea today. In the past spells like spiritual weapon were always a pain in the rear. My solution was to make a copy of the spell named all in caps to denote the difference and set to be innate so that the player could continue to cast it for the ongoing attack on subsequent rounds. Today I was going through my players spell sheets and seeing if I needed to set up any new AOE spells to be able to be dragged onto the desktop by the casters. It occurred to me that I had not set up spiritual weapon yet, I had just been dragging out one I had set for a dropped weapon. So I set up spiritual weapon and then it occurred to me to set the sheet up as a cleric the level of our cleric with the same wisdom. I dragged spiritual weapon to the sheet and set it up as innate. Then I set up an ability for it and set it as a token action. Now the cleric can drag out her own weapon and then when she wants to use it each round, simply click it and hit the token action. I hope someone else finds this useful.