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[AD&D 2E Revised (red sheet)] New Player Option Weapons section and A LOT of styling

April 30 (4 years ago)

Edited April 30 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Hello Roll20

I have been at it again with a lot of additions to the sheet and I am finally ready to reveal it to the world!

Weapons section


Melee BeforeMelee After


  • Changed the "Spec" checkbox into the proficiency dropdown.


  • Added an input field for Nonproficient weapon penalty and an auto calculating field for Related Wepons Bonus / penalty
  • Added a dropdown with different proficiency levels giving the appropriate bonus / penalty based on the choice.
  • Styled the checkboxes to actually be aligned in the middle and have a bit more spacing to make everything look better

Ranged Before

Ranged After


  • Changed the Ranged Modifiers from being 4 checkboxes to be radio buttons. This remove the possibility for a player to accidentally select two ranged and get the wrong modifier
  • Made backup invisibile checkboxes with the same attribute names so old macro do not break from missing values.
  • Changed the order of Dex and Str checkboxes to keep consistency throughout character sheet


  • Proficiency level selecter as with Melee.
  • For standard rules the two levels Proficient and Specialist are combined because they both give a modifier of +0. Specialist's gets the new range Point Blank that gives the user +2 to hit.
  • Styling as above

Player's Options

The next section is new and gives back the possibility to use the rules from the player's options books.



  • The old weapons section had checkboxes for Dexterity bonues for melee weapons, but those did not work. I have re-added the check boxes and also included the bonus from Missile Attack Adjustment, both for melee hit and melee damage
  • Added proficiency dropdown. This has the value Familiarity as it is called in the Player's Option books.
  • Check boxes for Specialization / Mastery damage has been added, giving either +2 or +3. A math function has been added to only include the highest value, so if a player checks both boxes he will not get +5 to his damage roll
  • Checkboxes was chosen in favor of a dropdown, as this better aligns with the Standard section


  • Same proficiency levels for ranged attacks as for Melee. In this section Specialist gives +1 to hit, and Mastery gives +2 to hit, as per the book.
  • Point Blank Mastery, only gives an addition +1 extra to hit as the Player's Option Combat & Tactics book states that the total to hit bonus is +3 for Mastery. This is clarified in a mouse over text
  • Point Blank Specialist / Mastery damage: Either +2 or +3. If both are chosen the highest value will be used, instead of +5

Furthermore all weapons added to the Standard section is also present to the Player's Option and vice cersa. Values are kept between the two sections, such as Str, Dex, Name, Proficiency. This does give the possibility for error as a player can go to the PO section and select Mastery, for a weapon, and it will have the full +3 effect on the roll on the standard section. I haven't made any fix for that yet.

Range modifier for Ranged Weapons, are the only value, not copied as they are two different radio buttons. I might find a solution for this in the future, but as the input for Ranged Modfier is intended to change a lot during play, I find the issue very small, also I do not suspect that players will change rule set on the fly during play.





  • Removed disabled from the Quantity column so players can insert their own amount of currency and calculate to other currencies
  • Changed all the calculations to actually use the value from the Quantity input fields
  • The default values for the Quantity-fields are still set to your actual currency quantity

Various Stylings


Standard Attributes

Standard Attributes

Player's Option Attributes

Player's Option Attributes


  • Styled the table to be one big table, and aligned all the input first to be below each other
  • Moved the buttons from being placed on top of the table to be next to each row.
  • Removed disabled input fields from Player's Option table as they had no name attribute tag and was disabled, and therefore not usable in any way to a player

Rogue skills Before

Rogue skills After


  • Shrunk the input fields a little bit, and changed the Leather Armor button to just say Leather in order to save space
  • Re added the macro text
  • Moved the Leather Armor title a row up to keep consistency with No Armor and Heavy Armor
Turning Tables Before
Turning Tables After


  • Added red header styling to be consisten with the rest of the sheet.
  • Change text a bit to align better with Player's Handbook
  • Expanded the HD inputs to allow more placeholder text to be visible
  • Added monster namesin placeholders to match Player's Handook
  • Added notes from Player's Handbook, for *, ** and †.
  • Fixed missing placeholder text in column 3, HD 9
Weapon Proficiencies BeforeWeapon Proficiencies After


  • Styled the checkboxes to be properly aligned in under the headers

Equipment Before

Equipment After


  • Styled the checkboxes to be properly aligned
  • Centered the checkbox header text
  • Expanded the Charges input field to match header field

Gear Carried Before

Gear Carried After


  • Moved the Gear Stored up to be in the same column as Gear Carried so that it is not moved down, if you have multiple Scrolls, Potions, Dusts, and little Gear Carried.
  • Formatted the On Mount checkbox to be aligned in the middle
  • Centered the 'On Mount' text
  • Moved Description to be in its own column and therefore be placed better
  • Fixed the input field to match the heading

Followers Before

Followers After


  • Expanded the# of Strikes input field to match the header
  • Removed space between input fields for AC and Race
Fixed console error

  • Fixed a misspelled attribute
And finally the most import of all the changes. BeforeAfter

I readded the Logo! :D

On top of ALL of this I also fixed a shit ton of HTML errors. A lot of tags starting, but never ending, or being placed in illigal areas.

That being said I have not fixed all errors as I had to stop somewhere, to get something out for all of you guys.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Andreas J. who is the Pro User who has been uploading my code again and again for me to test it and see that everything works as it should

Special thanks to Erik H. who has been helping me test all the work. He has done a lot of macro testing, as I have not been using macros a lot yet, and mainly stuck to the sheet itself.

I hope all of you like the changes and approve of them. I will open a Pull Request for the code to be merge to the Live branch, if there is no big objections to do so.

If anyone wants to test the changes themselves, just write here or PM, and I will add you to the game where the changes are hosted :)

Cheers All!

April 30 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion

Seems nice.

My favorite is the logo fix!

April 30 (4 years ago)

Most of it looks good, I especially like moving the ability check buttons.  I do question whether selecting proficient/non-proficient/specialist is necessary, attack bonuses and number of attacks is right there on the same line.  I find that the more complex a sheet becomes the more confused players become.

April 30 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Steve H. said:

Most of it looks good, I especially like moving the ability check buttons.  I do question whether selecting proficient/non-proficient/specialist is necessary, attack bonuses and number of attacks is right there on the same line.  I find that the more complex a sheet becomes the more confused players become.

I understand you concern. Previously the sheet had checkboxes for Specialization / Mastery, which added the bonuses. The same can be said for the checkboxes for Strength and Dexterity.

The majority of players I've talked to wanted to exclusively use the Attack and Damage bonus fields for magical bonuses, like when a sword is +2. However in this sense the sheet does not handle Racial bonuses with special dropdowns or checkboxes, and I think that is fine. Proficiency is something every character has. Racial bonusesis not.

The logo is back: sheet version approved.

More seriously: good point regarding the turning table. I remember the first time I browsed the section, I was wondering which undead matched the HD as I didn't have the PHB in mind.

The stored gear sub-section 'going to vacation far far away' behavior was weird too when numerous potions and scrolls were added. It is more user-friendly now.

Small fixes (typos and styling) here and there, it is definitely the polishing side the sheet deserved.

Thank you Peter for your incredible work.

Steve H. said:

Most of it looks good, I especially like moving the ability check buttons.  I do question whether selecting proficient/non-proficient/specialist is necessary, attack bonuses and number of attacks is right there on the same line.  I find that the more complex a sheet becomes the more confused players become.

I think the character sheet mirrors the rules complexity. If the rules are simple to grasp, so do the character sheet.

I mean, we must wonder if the complexity of the sheet resides in its design (questionnable choices of implementation or coding flaws*) or in the rules it attempts to implement? When a sheet is freshly created, the level of complexity is admitted simple but once the sheet -after much several versions- is recognized complete, is it complex? In my view, so do the game mechanics.

Regarding the revised sheet, except for the 'Comeliness' attribute, there is nothing fanciful in the current version, it covers nearly all the official standard and optional rules. Its drawback should be to be as complete as possible.

I agree that adding more and more fields add complexity (and confusion) but we are lucky with Roll20 and AD&D2E: we can choose between two character sheets version to play with and both of these are available with a free account.

I agree that the gap between the simple and revised version grows with each version though but I can't think we can do anything about it.

*I do not judge anyone here, nuancing is extremely difficult to express in a foreign language. Sorry if my words hurt anyone, it is not my intention. I am extremely grateful to the sheet authors for their amazing work.

May 12 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Just wanted to let everyone know who uses this sheet, that the changes are live

Amazing, and thx for keeping the sheet up to date.

How can I use this sheet?

May 20 (4 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

When you create a campaign, you look at the character sheet template dropdown, and select/search for Advanced 2nd Edition

In an existing game,

May 25 (4 years ago)

Hey! So, I am in lockdown and slowly doing the work of converting my ongoing campaign's regime of manually-maintained 2nd ed character sheets into proper Roll20 character sheet templates. 

I love the look of these sheets... but, for some reason, after importing them into my campaign this morning... this sheet seems not to be auto-populating data. Specifically on the Attributes screen, but this seems to be a thing throughout the sheet.

The simplified Advanced 2nd sheet is doing this fine, but not this deeper sheet (which is the one I want to use!)


May 26 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Matt said:

Hey! So, I am in lockdown and slowly doing the work of converting my ongoing campaign's regime of manually-maintained 2nd ed character sheets into proper Roll20 character sheet templates. 

I love the look of these sheets... but, for some reason, after importing them into my campaign this morning... this sheet seems not to be auto-populating data. Specifically on the Attributes screen, but this seems to be a thing throughout the sheet.

The simplified Advanced 2nd sheet is doing this fine, but not this deeper sheet (which is the one I want to use!)


Hello Matt.

I will have to be honest and say I have no experience with the process your are doing. Could you elaborate a bit more on what it is exactly they are you doing with importing charater sheet?

I have no experience with importing character sheet. Personally I have a single sheet in a single campaign that I am playing.

I have been told that the same data can be used across different sheets, but only if the sheets share attribute names, ie. if one sheet has an attribute called @{strength} and another has one called @{ability_strength}, then the values will not be shared between the sheets.

I am sorry that I cannot help any more as of right now

May 27 (4 years ago)

Peter B. said:

Matt said:

Hey! So, I am in lockdown and slowly doing the work of converting my ongoing campaign's regime of manually-maintained 2nd ed character sheets into proper Roll20 character sheet templates. 

I love the look of these sheets... but, for some reason, after importing them into my campaign this morning... this sheet seems not to be auto-populating data. Specifically on the Attributes screen, but this seems to be a thing throughout the sheet.

The simplified Advanced 2nd sheet is doing this fine, but not this deeper sheet (which is the one I want to use!)


Hello Matt.

I will have to be honest and say I have no experience with the process your are doing. Could you elaborate a bit more on what it is exactly they are you doing with importing charater sheet?

I have no experience with importing character sheet. Personally I have a single sheet in a single campaign that I am playing.

I have been told that the same data can be used across different sheets, but only if the sheets share attribute names, ie. if one sheet has an attribute called @{strength} and another has one called @{ability_strength}, then the values will not be shared between the sheets.

I am sorry that I cannot help any more as of right now


I apologize; I may not have been clear in describing my problem.

So, the gist is this: I have been running several 2nd edition campaigns in Roll20 for years. For most of that time, I have been using manual character sheets (that is, just text that we create and maintain in the "Bio & Info" tab of the character, rather than using an actual character sheet tab.

After seeing that this sheet was (relatively recently) updated, I decided I'd try to use it in my ongoing campaign. I was able to bring the sheet into my existing Roll20 campaign just fine... but, in the attributes section of the character sheet, it isn't auto-populating the sub-ability data (that is, when I input that the character has, say, a Strength 16, I would expect the character sheet to auto-fill things like melee attack and damage bonuses, bend bars/lift gates, max. weight and max. press, etc.).

That, there, is my problem: is there something I need to do to enable this, or did I do something wrong when I brought the character sheet over into my campaign?

May 27 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Matt said:


I apologize; I may not have been clear in describing my problem.

So, the gist is this: I have been running several 2nd edition campaigns in Roll20 for years. For most of that time, I have been using manual character sheets (that is, just text that we create and maintain in the "Bio & Info" tab of the character, rather than using an actual character sheet tab.

After seeing that this sheet was (relatively recently) updated, I decided I'd try to use it in my ongoing campaign. I was able to bring the sheet into my existing Roll20 campaign just fine... but, in the attributes section of the character sheet, it isn't auto-populating the sub-ability data (that is, when I input that the character has, say, a Strength 16, I would expect the character sheet to auto-fill things like melee attack and damage bonuses, bend bars/lift gates, max. weight and max. press, etc.).

That, there, is my problem: is there something I need to do to enable this, or did I do something wrong when I brought the character sheet over into my campaign?

Ahh now I understand!

It would be a really cool feature to auto populate all the sub abilities for the ability scores. Unfortunately that is currently not supported. As of right now you will have to manually look up the values in players handbook and add the values to each field.

I believe this was chosen from a flexibility point of view, allowing players with custom house rules to add whatever values to these fields.

I can look into how this feature is done in the Simple Sheet and see if I can copy it over, however it will be some time before I add this, as the Red sheet, also have a Player's Options section that split the main ability score into two sub ability scores, and these sub ability scores determin what each value would be. Therefore far more logic is required to auto calculate the values for these fields.

The inputted values themselves are copied between the Standard and Player's Option tabs (because the attribute names are the same), so a change to one tab would also affect the other.

On top of all this there are a lot of players out there using this sheet, and if I make and update that forces the values for people, then I will certainly break the functionality for some players.

So long story short, a feature like this is far down the pipeline before I have time to implement it

May 27 (4 years ago)

Peter B. said:

Ahh now I understand!

It would be a really cool feature to auto populate all the sub abilities for the ability scores. Unfortunately that is currently not supported. As of right now you will have to manually look up the values in players handbook and add the values to each field.

I believe this was chosen from a flexibility point of view, allowing players with custom house rules to add whatever values to these fields.

I can look into how this feature is done in the Simple Sheet and see if I can copy it over, however it will be some time before I add this, as the Red sheet, also have a Player's Options section that split the main ability score into two sub ability scores, and these sub ability scores determin what each value would be. Therefore far more logic is required to auto calculate the values for these fields.

The inputted values themselves are copied between the Standard and Player's Option tabs (because the attribute names are the same), so a change to one tab would also affect the other.

On top of all this there are a lot of players out there using this sheet, and if I make and update that forces the values for people, then I will certainly break the functionality for some players.

So long story short, a feature like this is far down the pipeline before I have time to implement it

Okay, that makes sense!... at least I know I didn't break anything. 

It *would* be cool if these tables would auto-populate, but I get why they don't (and as I use a lot of homebrew material myself, I can see why leaving those fields open to editing is important).

May 27 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

I just now checked out the blue sheet.

I can see that it also has a Player's Option section, however the stats does not respect the values inputted there. Seems a bit odd to me.

In the future I will look into how it is handling these values, and try to add the functionality to the Red Sheet

June 10 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Matt said:

Okay, that makes sense!... at least I know I didn't break anything. 

It *would* be cool if these tables would auto-populate, but I get why they don't (and as I use a lot of homebrew material myself, I can see why leaving those fields open to editing is important).

Hey man. I made an update that will go live soon. I added the feature for attribute, and I also improved it a bit :)

You can check the changes here: