I suck at sheetworkers. Alright with APIs. Not even close to TheAarons or Scotts code, but I muddle along. I need to create multiple drop downs based on the characteristics defined to talents. So plan is to loop through talents and build these drop downs and save them as attributes that I'll reference throughout the sheet related to the characteristic being rolled. Here's the code. doubt it will work. Gig, I need you again!!! Don't fail me in my time of need! const talentStat = ['WS', 'BS', 'S', 'T', 'I', 'Ag', 'Dex', 'Int', 'WP', 'Fel']; stats.forEach(talentStat => { on(`sheet:opened change:repeating_Talents:TalentName change:repeating_Talents:TalentChar change:repeating_Talents:TalentLevel`, function () { let rollQuery = 'Talents|' getAttrs([ "repeating_Talents:TalentName", "repeating_Talents:TalentChar", "repeating_Talents:TalentLevel" ], function (v) { if (${talentStat} == v.TalentChar) { ${rollQuery) = v.TalentName + ',' + v.TalentName + '-' + v.TalentLevel + '|' } }); setAttrs({ [`${talentStat}Talents`]: rollQuery }); }); });