Ideally I wanted to GM 4 players however with unexpected work schedule and other issues that come we haven't had the desired 4 each week. So would like 2 more so we can stay close to that 4 player level. We use discord for voice and video. We play Saturday Mornings 7 AM Central Time which works great for those that are about the morning on the weekend. I know huge crowd and since crowds on roll20 are smaller at that time typically the game is smooth. So those that aren't a morning person and if you happen to be in Europe well then its 12 PM GMT so it becomes a nice afternoon game. Want those that are friendly comfortable with a mistake or two. Is kind and respectful to their fellow players and GM. Can play blood thirsty or have great cares in character but knows how to keep the social contract of everyone should have fun. Really should be interested / willing to learn the Pathfinder 2E system as it is more in depth than the 5e system and knowing the rules really helps play the game. They system is new and we are all learning it and GM is expecting patience as I do at times take time to look up a rule or create a map for a battle. I play a sandbox style that has story hooks and a fair degree of a level of freedom for the players to choose but that means I prepare only a few layers out and so if you surprise me to much that may stall the game as I bring forward content for that choice. -- You live in Silver Stone. Now New Silver Stone. This all falls under the territoria of New Essex. Once a kingdom with the mega city of Londinium as the capital it is now set up in mostly under poorly governed shires with many being controlled by bandit kings some human and some goblin or otherwise.. The schooling of all of this has been poor and with the threat of there be dragons a catch phrase or oh shit its those evil gnomes reading books again many are just grateful to be alive. New Silver Stone though has been experiencing a renaissance under house Amber. The power of the house is made up of the five Wizards of Amber. High Lord Coonder is oldest and in charge but all five of the brothers are feared and respected. They keep the monsters away from the immediate vicinity of Castle Rust Bane and New Silver Stone.. Taxes are high, corruptions is too and life is cheap. There is talk that the shire is considering declaring itself a kingdom. Some say it should be Essex again but many think the Wizards have other plans and so gossip is rampant as many wonder what is in store for the town. Declaring itself a full fledged kingdom rather than an independent shire may sound not like much but it means to the other independent lords near by that they have no intention of reuniting to reform the Essex kingdom. So war could follow. Example handouts from prior games: