Love Roll20 so far. I've watched the Dev's playing D&D with it and I'm excited to get going with it. I've been looking through many VTT programs in the past few years to help enhance my Face to Face games and maybe even will run some Remote games. One suggestion. Before deciding to support or even if I wanted to use this new program I have been lurking around the forums. Trying to find a list of things currently being worked on, what others are hoping to have working, and what isn't working right now. I realize a lot of this is in the Mentor forums it sounds like, but my suggestion would be to keep excitement up for your new program with new users to have a list of items that are being currently worked on, list of items being considered, etc. Before someone decides to fully support something they usually like to know a little more about it. I for instance have a list of things that I really need before I'd want to really port everything over to roll20, one of them being waypoints in movement, but there are lots of others. :) It would be nice to see a list of items that are being worked on and then I can decide if Roll20 is the way I want to go or not. I think Maptool had this list, you could even donate money towards getting certain items worked on. Anyways, just thought it would be nice for new users to have a place to get info on the new workings of Roll20 to get them excited even more about the program and they might end up supporting more? Keep up the good work!