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ReferenceError: scriptName is not defined

Ran my first session for a new campaign last night with no issues. Went to start preliminary prep for next week's session this morning and I'm getting this error in the API: "ReferenceError: scriptName is not defined" No indication which script is causing it, and no changes were made from approx 12 hours ago when everything was working fine... 
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Hmm.  It could be from GroupInitiative.  I just updated it and added a scriptName variable.  Do you have it installed?
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Are you running a command when it comes up?
I do have GroupInitiative installed... and no I was heading into the API to look up a formations script I remembered seeing at some point but never got that far ;) The good news (for you) is that I don't think its that script. I just tried both reverting back and disabling it completely and neither had any effect. 

Edited 1588691623
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Actually, it's a typo in Bump. =(&nbsp; I've created a pull request to fix it:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> oll20/roll20-api-scripts/pull/959 Or grab the latest code from:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Sorry about that... That's two weeks in a row...
That was it, disabling bump got me back up and running. Thank you so much for saving me from going through each of them one-by-one :)&nbsp;
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
No worries, sorry for breaking it in the first place.
The Aaron said: Actually, it's a typo in Bump. =(&nbsp; I've created a pull request to fix it:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> oll20/roll20-api-scripts/pull/959 Or grab the latest code from:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Sorry about that... That's two weeks in a row... Thanks for the link to the fix! Because I have no idea about update times and all that, should I just check github from time to time or do you know if the script in the list will be updated with the new script by Roll20? Please don't take that as pushy, I really appreciate all you do, just trying to determine if I should keep the old version disabled will get updated or not.
I had the same issue, thanks for the assist!

Edited 1588697911
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
I'll be very vocal about it being fixed here.&nbsp; Pushes happen Tuesday Morning, so worst case, it should be fixed in the 1-click by next week.
Same issue, I deleted the Bump script, and then grabbed the latest code you referenced above and now I'm getting this error:&nbsp;"SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token".&nbsp; I'm very new at scripting so maybe I misunderstood, should the new script have worked or do I have to wait until the 1-click is pushed out?&nbsp; (great script by the way, thanks!)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
That sounds like a copy/paste error.&nbsp; You can go to the 1-click version and click import and it will install a working copy.&nbsp;
Life Saver!
Thanks, I grabbed the updated script and copy and pasted again and no errors!&nbsp; So, yeah, I must have not copied the entire script the first time.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Good to hear, sorry for all the trouble. =/
Had the same issue. Quick google search led me here, already got your updated working version from your earlier post, just wanted to comment my support to say you're an awesome coder and thanks for being on top of this stuff. :)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Thank you! Glad you got it sorted out quickly.
Excuse me is it fixed on the script api? Because I got the same error.&nbsp;ReferenceError: scriptName is not defined

Edited 1588856546
I enabled again it last night via one click with no issues. Just checked again now, and the API console is reporting no errors. Edit: spoke too soon. Ahh well :)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Simon, it should be fixed in the 1-click on Tuesday.&nbsp; The source is fixed now, but the 1-click only gets updated on Tuesdays.