Crimson Prime said: I got it to work. I created a new game with just a few tokens. My other game must have some inconsistencies. I did notice, however, that if the playerName has a space, it should be quoted. I added backslash quotes (\") before and after playerName. sendChat( "PingMeAPI" , "/w \"" + playerName + "\" Which character?<br/>" +pingList); ^ ^ In Javascript, you can use different quote types to nest quotes within a string, like sendChat( "PingMeAPI" , '/w "' + playerName + ' " Which character?<br/>' +pingList); You can also use string literal (aka template literal) syntax which uses the weird backticks (`), and then nest code within ${}, like so sendChat( "PingMeAPI" ,` /w "${ playerName}" Which character?<br/>` +pingList); The latter seems clunky at first, but the more you use, the more you appreciate how powerful and flexible it is.