Broken links(that goes nowhere):
- Main Compendium page: Feral Dhampir, broken link: https://app.roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Subraces:Feral%20Dhampire
- Main Compendium page: Darakhul Shadow Fey Heritage https://app.roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Subraces:Shadow%20Fey%20Heritage
Empty stats:
- Feral Dhampir, no stats: https://app.roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Feral%20Dhampir#content
Bad/confusing links:
- Darakhul: In subraces section, incorrectly links to subraces in "Mordekainen's Tome of Foes". Probably should list all the avauable subraces linked on the Main Compendium page.
- Main Compendium page: "Spell List" link just to the 5e spell compendium, which doesn't even have option to filter for EotG spells. Spells are coming from the EotG bundle are essentially pretty hard to find. There should be at least a Spells Page linking to all the bundles spells.
- Misc. Nonsensical Compendium links: Just by lightly browsing the compendium, there are several places where compendium links to other leads to unrelated sections, such as Stonehide Trollkin having a link to the page for Humans in Eberron, instead of the playable human or SRD entry. In the entry for one of the Mushroomfolk races, the word "Special" had a compendium link the "special"- weapon category. IIRC this is a more general & known issue?
- Derro: race page says the source is "Mordekainen's Tome of Foes"