Roll20 required blurb: Please note that Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. $15/session via paypal or venmo. Session 0 is free. Looking for players to run some PF AP's this Summer and beyond. Day is negotiable. Once we have 4+ players we'll poll to see what day is best for everyone. Started: Hell's Rebels has had session 0 and 1, session 2 is this Saturday 6pm. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Currently 4 Players, room for 2 more. :O Can start this week: Iron Gods <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Currently 2 players, will start when I have 4, accepting up to 6. :D Could set up: Carrion Crown, Wrath, Kingmaker, Hell's Vengeance, Strange Aeons etc. I have a lot of the books / pdfs and I'm willing to buy any AP I don't have to form a third game. I don't have a preference on which AP, honestly I think they're all capable of being great with the right group. Me: Veteran GM of Rolemaster, D&D3.5, PF1, and learning 5E to run paid games this Summer while I'm not teaching. Quarantine is good for nerd-stuff!