Mike deBoston said: By macros, I guess I meant Abilities on my "player-macros" macro mule character sheet. I can drag them into alphabetical order, but at this point it's a lot. But probably I should just bite the bullet and do it and then maintain it. Decks and Tables, even if I start a new game, is there even a way to copy/paste them to a new one? I think I'd have to copy/paste each individual row or card, and that's just going to be too much. Pro account will allow use of Transmogrify. Transmog is a way to copy complete Decks & Rollable Tables (also Pages, also Characters) from one of your games, into another one of your games. This particular place happens to be Alphabetized (it's kind of a complaint sometimes because it is alphabetical and not in the order you'd made your folder structure).