Confirmed by "TheAaron" 4 years ago. Still no fix. I have a simple turnorder with 2 tokens and a custom entry with formula "+1". You can reproduce it easily. If you loop through the tokens the "round counter" increases by one. Now delete the last token before the round counter (because it's slain for example) with the trash-can icon. Now it's the round counter's turn again - The round counter DOES NOT increase by one though. It seems that deleting a token does not call the "change" event on the turnorder. Same for removing the token via API with a splice. You splice the item and set a new turnorder - it jumps to the round counter but it again does not increase by one. This makes big parts of the whole "formula" feature useless because you still have to keep track and manually add rounds because it doesn't work automatically. The only solution would be to check whether the following index of the array is an item with a formula - and manually add the formula to the entry. I wouldn't mind if you could API-wise "skip" turns for "dead" tokens. But since you can't do this as well it would be really great to have a simple fix by just calling the "change" event on "deletion" of the turnorder entry.