I've copied into a google doc a list of macros I've accumulated so far <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/17uf_fmAR5LX604AaJDOJT_AqGN8rg8uD2QiQHwg8pAY/edit#heading=h.jfmirhnuf8mr" rel="nofollow">https://docs.google.com/document/d/17uf_fmAR5LX604AaJDOJT_AqGN8rg8uD2QiQHwg8pAY/edit#heading=h.jfmirhnuf8mr</a> This covers the following topics DM DM Screen Skill guidelines Party Status Check Dice Query Link to Conditions Point and click to whisper NPC and Player skill check Player Macros Init Top 5 Traits Con-save Dex-Save Wisdom-save Perception Stealth Trap Check (for a Rogue/Bard with Expertise) Cheat Sheet Spell list Monster template Statblock (very feature rich including clickable actions and tooltips with attack descriptions) Init Do all saves Perception check Do all Skills LegendaryMacro Legendary-Action Are there any other go-to macros you keep coming back to for your players, monsters or DM hotbar?