This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of 4.99-5.99 in the form of gifts from the DM'S wish list on the roll 20 market place. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.

About Me:  I am an English teacher in the US who is about to embark on Summer Vacation.  I am looking to run a group of players through a custom world described below.  The game will be held weekly and will require discord.  As stated in the intro, this will be a Paid campaign at the cost of 4.99-5.99 per session that must be purchased prior to each session.  Expected duration of each session is 3-4 hours.  The cost varies depending on which content you choose to gift. This is to expand my library of tokens and map pieces which will then be used to add more depth to future sessions.  Many of the fights will be deadly and test the adventurers.  Deaths are not the goal, but they may occur, so if this is something you are unable handle this may not be the group for you.  The campaign is broken into four chapters as adventures travel through four distinct regions.   


The Years of Plenty:

Brian Boru was the original high king of Geatone and was truly worthy of the name.  Through his leadership, a land steeped in rivalries and quests for power quickly became a unified country.  Gone were the days of small tribes fighting for dominion, and in their place rose the four mighty houses.  The high king, and three minor kingdoms focused the production of their lands towards a unified goal.  In the south west, the forest lands of Yaephetis provided the much needed lumber for the realm.  In the south east, fertile soil of Korenor provided both food and materials born from the sweat of the men in the fields.  In the North East, the peaks of Ducranet provided the stone and rich minerals dug from the mountains.  In the North West lands of Geatilan, the mighty rapids coming from Davellan Rise, the highest mountain in the four kingdoms, powered the turbines of production where the raw material from the other three kingdoms pushed the country forward towards a brighter tomorrow. 

Yet, deep inside Davellan Rise was an even stronger force than the rapids that flowed down its side. Gruumsh, God of destruction, waited for a champion.  Someone who could lay waste to all that Boru built.  It has been twenty five harvests since Illiath first entered Davellan Rise, and twenty four harvests since the Bloodrite, where Illiath struck down his brother as he slept.   

The Bloodrite:

Illiath Boru, brother of Brian, never concerned himself with the wars or politics that consumed his younger brother.  Instead, he spent his time seeking knowledge, specifically ones gained from pacts he formed with darker entities. As Illiath’s Eldritch powers grew, as did his brother’s dominion over the land.  Eventually, Brian would be crowned high king and his older brother found himself sitting in the shadow of his power. Illiath’s fiend lacked the knowledge to help him ascend any higher, so Illiath began to look elsewhere, willing to bargain with anything that could make him feel relevant in a world dominated by his younger sibling.  It took ten harvests before he found the path within Davellan Rise.  The path that led him to the alter.  Gruumsh’s alter.  No longer aligned with a minor devil, Illiath was able to gain the boon of Gruumsh.  Later that year, under the advisement of his patron, Illiath slaughtered his brother and took the throne in what he referred to as his blood rite. As the sun crested the horizon, the castle lay quiet.  No one was left alive.  Blood flowed down the stairs just as the waters flowed from the peaks above. Brian’s reign had ended, as the dark years began.

The Dark Years:

Illiath’s Patron helped him gather an army, a mighty force comprised of creatures and beings that normally are spoken of in whispers and give birth to nightmares.  He quickly overthrew the other three kings and in their place promoted new lords whose allegiance to Gruumsh and their tainted souls were the perfect compliment to Illiath’s reign. The evil spread from Davellan Rise turning the fields and sands of the North West black and the rushing currents from the peaks above slowly began to dry out.   Although the great rapids from Davellan Rise have stopped flowing, an ever growing supply of slaves kept the turbines spinning and production continued.  

During the first 5 years, rebellions were constant as both citizens and noble families tried to overthrow the Dark High King, but these conquests were futile and merely added to the ranks of forced servitude.  Eventually, the will of the people was broken, and they accepted their new life.  Those who sought power joined the black guard, where they bullied the citizens of Geatone and acted as the enforcers for the Dark Citadel. As the land itself grew cold and dark, as did the minds of the druids of Yaephetis.  Very few escaped with their minds in tact.  Those that were not hunted and slaughtered by the dark druids left the sanctity of their forest region and escaped to the fields of Korenor.   

Yet, unknown to Illiath, on the evening of the Bloodrite, Brian's son Nicol Boru was not present in the castle.  He had left the grounds two days prior with his tutor to travel to the forest lands of Yaephetis so he could begin to forge relations with the other kingdoms and prepare him to one day rule as High King.  When word of his father’s death reached the young prince, Nicol was ushered onto a ship at the Saltband Dock.  And for the last 24 years he lived among the people.  Constantly training, studying, and always keeping his eye on the western skies.  Until, on the eve of the 24th Bloodrite celebration, Nicol and a small group of champions comprised of people from all corners of Geatone, mounted a night raid on the Dark Citadel. It is now time for the new king to rise. 

Rise of the New King: 

The Dark High King Illiath has fallen.  His long and brutal reign over Geatone ended just as it began, in blood.  His Nephew, Nicol, ended his life on the eve of the 24th Bloodrite (the anniversary "celebration" of Illiath's rise to power). Impromptu festivals are being held throughout the land as villagers celebrate the conclusion of the dark years.  Yet many questions remain to be answered.  Will Nicol, recently referred to as the Shepherd of the light, be accepted as the new high king? What of the other three kings put into power by Illiath? How will they quell the dark rifts of power that scar the lands?  What will come of the followers of Gruumsh? However, these questions are best left for another day.  For tonight.... we celebrate!

Original Kingdoms

Geatilan- Human High King Boru

Dominant Races: Humans, Halforcs (Scattered Waring tribes- not included in traditional society)  

Yaephetis- Elven King Fenalla 

Dominant Races: Elves, Gnomes

Korenor- Human King Bertol

Dominant Races: Human, Halflings

Ducranet- Dwarf King Broadjaw

Dominant Races: Dwarves, Dragonborn

The Dark Years:

Geatilan- Human Dark High King Illiath  

Yaephetis- Goblin King Zrak 

Korenor- Orc King Xolag

Ducranet- Giant King Femir