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IC: Dungeon World in a Steampunk setting! LF 4 Players

Looking for 4 players to play in a Steampunk setting using the Dungeon World system. Now, this will be a homebrew campaign where the players will get to create the world as they play. The campaign will be played during the using EST time, usually around 6-10 PM. Depending on the group and my work it might even get to be played 1-2 times a week. But in order to do that I need dedicated players. Those interested post below your timezone, availability and any previous experience with DW (if any). Don't worry if you don't know anything about the system because I'm willing to teach. I will PM those chosen. Thanks for reading and happy roleplaying!
Bumping here!
Hey, it's me again, I can play from 7pm to 11pm (GMT-3) (which should be around the same time, I think it's 1 hour difference with EST) on monday and tuesday. I think I've played 5 total DW sessions so far, and I really want to get some more DW.
steampunk sounds interesting. what -days- do you plan to play on? i'm in PST, i'm available sunday to wednesday. i've never played dungeon world yet... but i've yet to run into a system i can't figure out pretty quickly :)
Still looking for players!
PST, Sun-Wed. Was in a DW campaign for a few months as a thief, enjoyed the system but never ran into another offline group that used it.
hey steam punk sounds pretty cool, EST Mon-Wed is good for me, i have not personally played to much tabletop but recently have gotten really interested in it and i've actually read through the DW book and have started DMing a campaign with my buddies but would love to actually get to play it myself
Have all players for now. Thanks for applying!
One person dropped out. Looking for one more for today. Game is gonna be in like 4 hours. The campaign hasn't even started yet and it is new player friendly. Let me know if you're interested!
Game is starting! Looking for players. PM me for link
I never played Dungeon World but I don't mind trying out the system for a game just to see if I like it.
Still looking for 1 one more player. Game starts in 30 min
I'm late, But I would love to join!
Sent the invite
Looking for one more player still! Will play tonight
Looking for one more player for tonight! It's in 2 hours
One open spot in our game! This is the first session! 45 min till game time