Hi guys, I'm currently working on a d100 system basing on the warhammer d100 system. Now I wanted to implement a button for gmrolls, but it keeps posting the results in the regular chat and I don't know how to change that. the char sheet html line are these: <tr> <td> <div class="sheet-row"> <div class="sheet-item sheet-DHBtn2" style="width:45%"> <button name="roll_Dodge" type="roll" value="&{template:darkheresy2} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{Action=nutzt Ausweichen}} {{Test=[[floor((([[@{Agility} + @{advanceAg} + @{AgMod} + @{AgRacialMod} + @{DodgeMod} + (-20 + @{Dodge1} + @{Dodge2} + @{Dodge3} + @{Dodge4}) + ?{Modifier|0}]] - 1d100)/10))]]}} {{Unnat=[[floor(@{UnAg}/1)]]}}"> <span>Ausweichen</span> </button> </div> <div class="sheet-item sheet-Gmroll" style="width:10%"> <button name="roll_Dodge" type="roll" value="&{template:darkheresy2} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{Action=nutzt Ausweichen}} {{Test=[[floor((([[@{Agility} + @{advanceAg} + @{AgMod} + @{AgRacialMod} + @{DodgeMod} + (-20 + @{Dodge1} + @{Dodge2} + @{Dodge3} + @{Dodge4}) + ?{Modifier|0}]] - 1d100)/10))]]}} {{Unnat=[[floor(@{UnAg}/1)]]}}"></button> </div> <div class="sheet-item" style="width:17%;"> <input name="attr_DodgeMod" type="number" value="0" style="text-align: center;" /> </div> </div> </td> <td class="sheet-grayborders"><input name="attr_Dodge1" type="checkbox" value="20"></td> <td class="sheet-grayborders"><input name="attr_Dodge2" type="checkbox" value="10"></td> <td class="sheet-grayborders"><input name="attr_Dodge3" type="checkbox" value="10"></td> <td class="sheet-grayborders"><input name="attr_Dodge4" type="checkbox" value="10"></td> </tr> The first button (sheet-DHBtn2) is the regular roll button to post in the chat, the 2nd button (sheet-Gmroll) should be the gmroll. I made a gmroll button style in css and it works fine. But it still rolls in the regular chat. So, what do I have to change in the formula that I get the gm wisper instead of the regular chat lines? Hope someone can help me...