I am not sure if this is the right API to be trying this on, but I am looking to setup abilities like a monk's stunning strike or a sorcerer's quicken spell to be a macro in the "Attacks and Spellcasting" section of the Roll20 OGL Character Sheet so that when a player uses "Stunning Strike" it will show the spell save DC, as well as deduct 1 Ki point (easily done with ammunition) or more difficultly deduct 2 points for a "Quickened Spell" for a sorcerer. !setattr --charid @{CHAR_NAME|character_id} --mod --class_resource|-2 --silent works as a regular macro, but I can't figure out a way to get it to work as part of the attack roll, if I put that text chain into an attack's description it doesn't work. Adding a button with [Spend Sorcery Points](!setattr --charid @{character_id} --mod --class_resource|-2) is my current workaround, but I am looking for a way to automatically spend the points if possible. Thanks!