Hello Roll20 and AD&D 2E players.
I am at it again with another update containing features, improvements, bugfixes and more.
New Features
Proficiencies calculator and styling
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Changes | - Added headers for Nonweapon proficiencies table
- Reordered colums so that Slots com after Name, just like weapon
- Move the ability score to be closer to the roll button so that reading the numbers makes more sense
- Added a total slots field, inspired by the rogue section, that can either hold a single number or a calculation that allows for a progression math expression.
- Added a calculation for remaining slots left to spend, for easer notice when you get new slots after a level up.
- Added a single notes field to each column of weapon and nonweapon proficiencies.
- Added placeholder text to the notes, showing the default progression math expression for the four base class groups.
- Added headers and styling to the Languages table
- Added better output for rolling
Ability score attribute auto-fill
Requested by Matt
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| - Auto-fills the sub attributes for each ability score
- Strength handles exceptional strength values by using the syntax 18[53]. Placeholder text is added to guide the player
- If a primary ability score is empty, then nothing happens
- If a primary ability score is 0, then error is printed in all fields and the Notes field is updated with a more precise error.
- On the standard tab, fields such as Notes, Bonus Priest Spells and Spell Immunity is all kept in a single field
- On the Players Option's tab notes are split out to each field depending on the ability score it reads from.
- Bonus Priest spells and Spell immunity is always split into two tabs for easier reading
- Spell immunity is accumulated from the highest value. This is done to make sure the field always updates when the ability score updates.
- If the Player's Option is chosen then each sub ability score is read and used, if it is blank then a fallback to the primary ability score is used.
- Regeneration field has been moved to float in the middle to indicate that it is dependent on the Consitution score, and not any of the sub ability scores
- A %-sign have been added to fields that are percentage, to avoid players setting a percentage sign in the field itself.
- Dexterity, Aim and Balance also updates the Rogue section with dexterity bonuses to thief skills
A HUGE note on dexterity For Thief skills adjustment based on dexterity I have used the following tables as resources: - The Players Handbook (PHB)

- Player Option's: Skills and Powers (PO)

| Min and max values When reading the appropriate value for dexterity I have taken the PO table as my default, as it had the same values as the PHB, but continued up to 22 dexterity. I have not extended this table up to 25 or down to under 9. Above 22 dex the table keeps the same value as at 22, so if you have 24 dex it will give you a bonus of +30 to Pick pocket, if you have below 9, it will give you 0 as you are not a rogue at this point, as rogues require a minimum of 9 dex. Selecting a value As the Aim and Balance table are not the same as the dex table, ie. - 22 dex gives +30 Pick pocket
- 22 aim gives +25 Pick pocket
I only take a value from the aim table, if Aim has a value on the character sheet. If Aim is empty, then Dex will be used, and read from the Dex table. This process goes for Pick Pocket, Open Locks, Move Silently and Climb Walls. Climb Walls bonus Taking a closer look at the PHB table shows that it gives no bonus to Climb walls. I handle this by deciding if the current player is using Standard or PO, by reading the Aim and Balance fields. - If both Aim and Balance fields are empty, then the player is using the Standard rule set and the Climb Walls bonus will be 0.
- If either of Aim or Balance has a value, then the player is using PO rule set and Climb Walls will either be read using Balance or using Dex. Thus a Dex of 17, Aim of 15 and Balance of blank will give a climb wall bonus of 0. If the Balance stat is 17, then the Climb Wall bonus will be +5%
Tunneling and Esacpe bonds These are only added if any of Aim or Balance has a value. If not then they are set to 0. |
Turn Undead buttons
Requested by Paul
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Changes | - Added a copy of the Deity input-field to remind the player of inserting a deity name
- Added three buttons for standard rolls. This is to better let new players get started with Turning Undead, if you are unfamiliar with Roll20 commands.
- Added an extra 'All in One' button for the lazy people who do not want to click too much. (Looking at you Paul ;) )
- The name of the priest's deity is added to the text for extra flair as the PHB states that the priest channels a portion of their deity's power.

Annoncement box

Added the same annoucement box that is used on the Simple Sheet for better information players who do not read the forums |
Enabled fields
Placeholder styling
Currency calculators
Reported by Cliff
Movement weight
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Changes | - Weight from BirthRight currency was not added to total movement weight
- I don't know if this was intentional as in the BirthRight setting you play as a rich guys, and probably have slaves to carry all your stuff, but still. Should be added
Finally I want to give a big Thanks
*bigger than that*
*big ass!*
to Andreas J.!
He has been continously uploading my changes to a test game so that I could test it and make sure everything worked as expected!
I could not have done it without him!
This is all the changes for this update. Hope you guys like what is to come! :)