Hello everyone. I have an attack macro all set up the way I want it to function with only one part missing - the macro doesn't know to roll crit damage when the attack roll is a critical hit. I think I understand the basics of how to designate an attack roll as a crit (by using the cs>20 coding, for example), but how do I get the rest of the macro to know to link the damage roll with that potential critical hit so that it knows when to roll the damage twice? Any thoughts or suggestions? All assistance is appreciated. Thanks, in advance. The current attack macro that I'm using is (using the Carbon 2185 character sheet, by the way): &{template:default} {{name=@{attack_name_1}}} {{Attack Roll= [[ @{attack_bonus_1} + ?{Roll Type|Standard,1d20 ]] Standard|Advantage,2d20kh1 ]] Advantage|Disadvantage,2d20kl1 ]] Disadvantage} }} {{damage=@{attack_type_1} [[@{attack_damage_1}+@{attack_dmod_1}]]}}