After I upgraded my subscription to Plus, I was looking into getting a map for the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan and decided to go ahead and buy the adventure to see how the premade content works in Roll20.
After adding it into my campaign, I noticed that Bar 2 is linked to monster AC. I use the bar for something different (temp hp) and it's distracting to see an irrelevent number pop up there for monsters.
Is there anyway to make that go away other than manually changing it on every single token? I tried changing the game defaults and then using the "Apply Defaults" setting, but it didn't touch the Bar 2 link. That being said, I'm not sure if that method even applies to NPCs, due to the part of the game settings where those settings are. And if it does apply, I still probably didn't enter values that would be useful.
Is it possible to de-link Bar 2 (and erase the value) on all of those tokens somehow without manually doing it for each one?