keithcurtis said: Could you use token mod with @{target} to add and remove the PC as controller? !token-mod --ids@{target|token_id} --set controlledby|+Bob) !token-mod --ids@{target|token_id} --set controlledby|-Bob) If it works (I use this to test lighting setup on a currently logged-in Dummy Account ) it has high potential for abuse, so be careful. With some pre-setting of ids, this could be made even more automatic: turning "off" a specific character and turning "on" another in one action. That gives me a good idea of a nice way to solve this in a pretty simple script. Something that takes the currently selected token, finds all other tokens on the page controlled by the calling player, and sets their light_losangle to 0, then running it again (or with nothing selected) can set it back to what it was. That would let you toggle the vision off/on for a players tokens pretty easily.