I am unable to see a forum topic while browsing in the suggestions and ideas forum (but am obviously unable to say as to whether it affects others), this one specifically: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/3234668/" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/3234668/</a> ( Transmogrifier allow copying of folders ). On Windows 10, I have tried using both Chrome 83.0.4103.106 and Firefox 77.0.1 (with no extensions) and am similarly unable to see the thread. I have ensured that I am not filtering by status as is hopefully evident from my attached screenshots. I was however, able to see the thread on the forum homepage in the overview, and it was only for this reason that I caught it. I don't know whether the issue is related to the assigned status, as the breadcrumbs in the thread indicate it has a status of 'What do you think?' as opposed to 'Feedback' as on other posts seeking feedback (for example the thread discussing a potential overhaul of site notifications ). As to whether it is just me and a select few who have issues accessing it (I am able to locate it through a search for the term 'transmogrifier' for example), I cannot say, but it is a shame for a suggestion with 188 votes over 4 years to not be visible for some people. A screenshot from the forum root showing the latest posts, where the post is present. A screenshot within the suggestions and ideas forum, where the post is not visible even without filtering posts.