None of my saving throws (not including death saving throws) on the D&D 5E by Roll20 template add in any modifiers. The numbers I see change, but when I roll, it's a flat 1d20 for all rolls. I have tried checking boxes and unchecking them to add/remove proficiency; I have gone into the settings and changed the numbers in the save options box and added modifiers to specific saves as well as the global save option; I have gone into attributes & abilities and changed the modifiers directly; I've done everything I can think of. No matter what, the roll is a 1d20. I have spent a lot of time searching the forum and articles for help or a report of this bug but not seeing anything. I have a very hard time believing it's anything I'm doing wrong since I've tried to rule out all human error. All my other rolls work fine. If I add bless, the saving throw will add a 1d4 automatically, but not any other mods or proficiency bonuses to it like it's supposed to. I'm assuming this is a bug at this point, but open to other thoughts.