Primal Zed said: I'm trying to combine these two to display a read-only autocalc value in a span. Is this possible, or would I have to calculate with worker scripts? <input type="hidden" name="attr_autovalue" value="@{attr1} + @{attr2}" disabled /> <span name="attr_autovalue"></span> This just results in the text "@{attr1} + @{attr2}" getting displayed, not the calculated value. If you just want to how the value to the user of the character sheet all you have to do is not hide the input field. <input type="text" name="attr_autovalue" value="@{attr1} + @{attr2}" disabled /> This would show a disabled field with the value calculated together. If a user accesses the value with a macro or the likes then it will return ' @{attr1} + @{attr2} ' If you want the user to be able to acces the calculated value then you can just add square brackets and it should be done. <input type="text" name="attr_autovalue" value="[[(@{attr1})+(@{attr2})]]" disabled /> If your goal can only be achieved with a <span> element, then I cannot help you.