Prologue: "Embarking on a journey -- a mythic odyssey to the edge of Greek-themed Theros, you shall find and bring together the lost artifacts of great power to revive the King -- and find and rescue the missing Queen!"

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Join and play in this D&D: Mythic Odysseys of Theros campaign without owning the Theros sourcebook.

The DM and Game Contents

I have 20 years of experience as a DM of Dungeons & Dragons and in that time i have created many new and original campaigns, new and balanced game rules, races and monsters to enhance the play experience. I have a massive vault of old-school D&D material from which to draw.  I am also a DMsguild copper-bestselling author; all products 5-star rated, 

  1. Professionally drawn high quality (150-300 dpi) colour maps. 
  2. Encounter many (more than 15) new official monsters.
  3. New magic items.
  4. Custom-created magic artifacts.
  5. High quality tokens -- including ones to represent your PC!
  6. Five new, custom-created PC Backgrounds I have made especially for this setting (such as the rugged, the philosopher, travelling merchant, etc).
  7. Five official races new to D&D: Centaur, Leonin, Minotaur, Satyr, Triton + two new races I have created, the Nymph and the (Greek dwarven) Dactyl race.
  8. Piety: gain special benefits from the Gods as your Piety increases.
  9. A dedicated DM who will never miss a single session!

Playing Style

I'm here to create fun and unforgettable games, whether it's a multi-session one shot or  custom-made campaign . . . For me, the most fun D&D game is where the players' characters are centre-stage. in which PCs actions have results. Due to the mechanical nature of running pre-written game modules, I instead almost exclusively run unique D&D adventures, which may incorporate the best elements of the greatest modules. For my custom games, I create everything for the specific group. My games are distinctly high magic. To retain a gritty feel, a short rest is 6 hours, and a long rest overnight. Furthermore, to preserve a classic feel, the warlock class is forbidden; standard array for starting ability scores and no feats. To balance this, significant magic items are possible. Everything else is pretty much `by the book'. 

Campaign Details

Start at 1st-level, for 4 players. The background to this adventure is that the King, who has died, appears immune to magical revivification, so you must find artifacts to revive him --- and also find the Queen who mysteriously went missing. Action-oriented. Expect to rapidly gain levels, at least one level per session. You will gain up to 10 levels in this campaign.

Session 1: going to visit the Oracle, who divines information on your epic Quest.

Note: Select one of nine available races -- Human, Elf (can be wood, high elf or sea elf), Dactyl (a dwarf), or a Nymph, Centaur, Leonin, Minotaur, Satyr, or Triton.

Weekly sessions,. . . This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $10 paid via PayPal weekly, before start of session, and each session is at least three hours in length. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.

To Join

Send me a private message with--

  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. How long have you been playing D&D?
  4. Will you create and utilise your character via D&D Beyond or use the Charactermancer?
  5. Are you available to play weekly at the scheduled time/day? 
  6. What is your proposed race and class? (Or you may wait till character creation stage to decide).