This script lets a character mark a token with their own signature marker.
You can mark only one token a time, and when you mark a new token, the old token is automatically unmarked.
This script is not meant to replace TokenMod, or the various Status Marker scripts. But it fills a hole they dont occupy: when you need to remember which token you have previously marked, and unmark them when you mark a new target. In other words, abilities like Hunter's Mark.
The script can show you a menu of options:
You can also use text comments, like
!hunters-mark help
to activate commands. Here are the options.
Hunter's Mark Instructions
Use !hunters-mark
followed by one of the commands below.
show | This shows the current list of hunters, and their marks. |
add | To add a new hunter, select a token representing the character and apply the status marker you want to use as their mark. Then click Add. |
delete | To remove a character from the list of hunters, select a token representing them and click Delete. |
help | Show this description. |
menu | Show a set of buttons to activate the script's features. |
mark a target | To mark a target, use A good way to do this is |
The show command shows you what characters are stored, with their Marker, and the target they have currently marked, if any. It looks like this:
You can find the script here:
To use it, first select a character you want to use as a hunter, and add the status marker they will use. Then click the add button. That will register that character, and you can now mark other tokens with that character.