As discussed in this thread , I've spent some time adding additional features to the 13th age character sheet. I'm posting the HTML code so that any other users with pro subscriptions can use this as a custom sheet. The code below is for the html section of the character sheet. To work properly, you will also need to copy the css and translation files for the original sheet which can be found here . English is recommended since the edits I've made to the sheet don't have translation support and will appear in English regardless. link to html code (repost from the other thread) compared to the original sheet, there are now additional sections for magic items, feats, incremental advances, and implements. Where appropriate, entries in these areas will adjust character attributes. When creating custom powers in the power section, selecting a weapon or implement attack will use the ability score you've selected as your melee/ranged/casting stat in the collapsing section at the top of the screen. Previously it would use str with melee and dex with ranged regardless of your choices elsewhere. The option now exists to key an ability to whichever weapon or implement you have currently selected. Additionally, all attacks will now add the modifiers listed in the custom/bonus field. a dropdown menu in the collapsing section can turn on special calculation behaviors based on class. Select mnk (Monk) and your basic melee damage will be calculated based on strength regardless of what ability score your melee base attacks are based on (typically dex for Monks), and the @{jab} @{punch} and @{kick} character attributes will give the appropriate damage for those attacks. Select sdm (Slaughter Demonologist) and your melee basic attacks will use your casting stat instead of your melee attack stat while you are not staggered (Cha instead of Str for demonologists).