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Shadowrun Sixth World Character Sheet


Edited 1591542704
Helo, friends! I have been working on a character sheet specifically for Shadowrun Sixth World. By this time next week I should have a majority of the fields needed to support adding all the character data. After that, I will be working on the Overview page, followed by getting a PR in to try and make it publicly available. If you're interested in helping out, you can pull it down here  and look under the folder "Shadowrun Sixth World". I'm comfortable tackling this solo, since the hardest part is learning how to play nice with Roll20, and I think I have a handle on things. If you want to join the test campaign to see the Work-In-Progress, you can click this here link ! Thank you to Avalia for showing me how to do that!
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Looks like you're off to a good start. My only suggestion would be changing the white on green sections. Contrast there is low which will make it hard to read. I might suggest a dark purple instead to match the color scheme of the book/pdf. Maybe like  hsla ( 253 , 35 % , 61 % , 0.25 )

Edited 1588891762
Cassie said: Looks like you're off to a good start. My only suggestion would be changing the white on green sections. Contrast there is low which will make it hard to read. I might suggest a dark purple instead to match the color scheme of the book/pdf. Maybe like  hsla ( 253 , 35 % , 61 % , 0.25 ) Thanks, I will definitely take the advice into account! There's actually different themes, based on Darkly and Minty from Bootswatch. We can also include a better contrast one.
This is pretty sick, I'll be monitoring this thread!
Just here to say that I support this project in whatever way I can.  My players are eagerly anticipating something like this.  Thank you for tackling it.
Droppin' an update. I took a few days break because it was needed, then took a whack at it some today. I spent about two hours doing this: About an hour of which was trying to figure out how to rub Roll20's lamp the right way to make the magic happen. I also figured out a great way to have a single source of data an import them into my pug and js. Wrote some additional mixins and such, along with a function to auto-convert my i18n stuff around. I've been having troubles figuring out how I want to handle the ranged weapon stuff, but I think I'm at a good point. I don't merely want to mimic the character sheet, but try to make it a bit easier for people on the overview page. Hopefully next time I come around I can show off the gear page, and move on to (easier?) things.
Wanted to drop a sign of support here! I've been dying for a digital means to play more easily here on R20 since the pandemic started!
1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am super hopeful this gets done. 2. I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to coding, but I would be happy to take a look for play-ability.  3. I wish I could do more (see #2). Please know your time and effort is appreciated. If you get any haters ignore them and focus on the positive! 
Recently I've been finding out how spoiled I am at work. I get to have a design team that works on the layout and workflow, and all I have to do is go over it and make adjustments, then be given the final layout to implement. Add on top trying to figure out the right way to make Roll20 do what I want, and the fact that Roll20 has been going down frequently, and I gotta say it's really hard to stay motivated when I have so many other neat programming projects (and computer games) to work on :( But, I'm sticking to it! Right now I'm primarily focused on getting the HTML stuff working, as I'm going to have a way easier time playing with the JavaScript. I started to waste some time looking into using Typescript, but I'm already using a Pug and SASS build process that might be unfamiliar to most and I don't want to introduce any additional technical hurdles. I'm working on it right now and will update you later with how much I've gotten done. In the mean time, if you could let me know some nice-to-haves you'd like, let me know so I can take them into account :D
Whelp, today I got most of the contact page and the rest of the gear page done today! I'm starting to nod off staring at this code, though, so I'm gonna rest and try again tomorrow.
That's great progress, Coadeacula!

Edited 1590632619
Today was a good day. I got a decent amount of the Matrix-based stuff in. I still need to decide how I'm going to handle submersion and echoes, but the rest is in. Unfortunately, my To Do list got bigger because I recognized more areas I'll need to account for. After looking over the excellent sheet Cassie made, I'm feeling a little more comfortable introducing content I was concerned might get me yelled at. Obviously I'm trying to stay away from things that'll get me in trouble, so nothing that make it so you don't need the book to play ;) I've been putting a lot of thought into the Overview page and how I'm going to handle it. I would like for it to auto-hide segments the character isn't using (like Sprites, or Magic, for example). This is easily doable with some scripts that set a true/false character attribute that I auto-calculate whenever a character adds or removes from the repeating attributes. I'll also toss them into the Settings page, in case you decide you don't want to have a section visible for whatever reason. That being said, if anyone paying attention wants to know where I'm at and what I have planned, I made a Trello board when I started this to help me keep track of what I need to do. You can also help by seeing if there's anything I'm missing. You can find it here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
&nbsp;Have been waiting for a SR6 character sheet so as to start running a game.&nbsp; &nbsp;You are doing the Shadowrun community a service Codeacula.&nbsp;&nbsp;
YAY! I'm getting more an more excited to try this out. I plan on subscribing to the Plus, specifically because of this content! :) (in two weeks when I get paid again).&nbsp; Thank you again!
I want those of you posting to know your support actually helps a lot in that it guilt trips the heck out of me. I had taken a hiatus from my primary project to focus on work, and now that I have the free time and desire again, I'm working on this to get it out of the way. Tonight I didn't get much done since I had a long conversation with a friend regarding the happenings right now. I'm focusing on removing the dependecy on magic strings that the character sheet has been based on, and instead creating a JSON object that stores the magic strings so I can reference them later in the scripting. I'm also making sure I take care of some i18n I might have missed. CS Jones said: I plan on subscribing to the Plus, specifically because of this content! :) (in two weeks when I get paid again).&nbsp; I plan on submitting this to the main GitHub repo so that even people without Pro can use it. If you want to be one of the people who help test it out, by all means, but I've always been of the philosophy of trying to make Shadowrun accessible to all, that's why I'm trying to focus as much as I can on making things easy for people to use/understand.
Want to say again how excited I am to see this! We put our SR game on hiatus because of the quarantine and I'm hoping this brings it back!&nbsp; &nbsp;
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
There appears to be a new person who also works on a SR6E character sheet: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Maybe some collab would be possible? It not too likely Roll20 would accept two sheet anyway.
Andreas J. said: There appears to be a new person who also works on a SR6E character sheet: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Maybe some collab would be possible? It not too likely Roll20 would accept two sheet anyway. They had two going on for 5th edition, although one wasn't very well supported because the author kinda fired and forgot. I'll see where they're going with it.
Today I finished up most of the sections remaining for the character sheet. For now I'm skipping Drones because I'm going to follow Cassie's paradigm of making them a separate setting, and right now I want to get the Overview page working first. I've updated the original post above with a link that will take you to the game I'm testing this sheet in, if you're interested!
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Codeacula said: They had two going on for 5th edition, although one wasn't very well supported because the author kinda fired and forgot. I'll see where they're going with it. Yes, but that's thanks to a longer history of the older sheet, and there being a somewhat good reason for the second one. What I'm trying to say is that even if Roll20 is open to having two sheets, they likely wouldn't accept two new sheet for a new game in a short span of time.
I have looked at you sheet so far it it looks amazing. I cant wait to see it at completion. Keep up the good work&nbsp; &nbsp;
Spazninja said: I have looked at you sheet so far it it looks amazing. I cant wait to see it at completion. Keep up the good work&nbsp; Thanks! I spent today working on getting the theme switcher working, adding some radio button styling so they look neat, and bringing the Minty theme up to date a bit. I need to spend some time planning out the next steps I want to take. I think I want to go ahead and start working on figuring out the autocalc fields I'll want to introduce to start making the overview page groovy, stuff like automatically hiding magic if none are set, etc.
Stopped by to check out how it's going. Glad to see and hear progress! Keep up the awesome work! I'll try to hop into the test table later tonight and see if I can offer feedback!
I hoped onto the test page. SUPER excited! Let us know when you want feedback or suggestions (or IF you want them). Thank you!
You are doing God's work! keep up the good work, I'll be following this post very closely for any update.

Edited 1593797672
Hey, Codeacula, just dropping by to thank you for your work. Looking forward to it! :- )
I'm not going to lie, I haven't worked on it in a bit. Mostly because I got tied up in video games. Going to be spending the next week trying to get it tied up and done. Going on a trip where I'll have plenty of free time and little distraction to get me over the hump. My biggest concern right now is that I know a lot of things I want to do, but need to figure out how to tie them together.
I see. Well, I hope you're enjoying your games (TLOU II, I'll get to it hehehehe Thanks, my friend. If it ever comes out, it will be awesome. :- ) Codeacula said: I'm not going to lie, I haven't worked on it in a bit. Mostly because I got tied up in video games. Going to be spending the next week trying to get it tied up and done. Going on a trip where I'll have plenty of free time and little distraction to get me over the hump. My biggest concern right now is that I know a lot of things I want to do, but need to figure out how to tie them together.
Thanks for the update! I know we are probably putting a lot of pressure on you with very little reward. Take time to get your head straight.&nbsp; You are appreciated!&nbsp;

Edited 1593820092
Nah, no pressure :) I let myself get into the habit of playing a game as soon as I got off work, and then just not stopping until bed time. Initially it was to help with stress at work, but wore itself out XD
I'm not a coder, but I have the background (comp sci graduate).&nbsp; I am very interested in helping further this work.&nbsp; Let me know if I can be of assistance. We are starting up a 6th world RPG this week.&nbsp; Do you have any suggestions as an interim solution? -Bobby
I'm very interested in testing/trying this sheet out for my group but I can't seem to figure out how to install it properly. I apologize for the noob question but I can't get it to look anything like the Work in progress page... I've added the HTML and CSS files to the custom character sheet in my game settings... but no avail.&nbsp; Are there other steps I need to take to get it setup? Thanks for the assist.
CrimsonedGlass said: I'm very interested in testing/trying this sheet out for my group but I can't seem to figure out how to install it properly. I apologize for the noob question but I can't get it to look anything like the Work in progress page... I've added the HTML and CSS files to the custom character sheet in my game settings... but no avail.&nbsp; Are there other steps I need to take to get it setup? Thanks for the assist. I probably need to update the actual HTML/CSS/translation stuff with the repo. I haven't been quite concerned with it because it's still very much a WIP. I can go over how to get it set up as a developer if you like. I'll see about updating them today, now that I have a little time to stab at it. Bobby said: I'm not a coder, but I have the background (comp sci graduate).&nbsp; I am very interested in helping further this work.&nbsp; Let me know if I can be of assistance. We are starting up a 6th world RPG this week.&nbsp; Do you have any suggestions as an interim solution? -Bobby One of the things you can do is go into the test game and take a look around and see if you have any feedback, especially once I get the overview done. If you have features you think would be worthwhile, you can bring them up. Otherwise, the encouragement helps :)
CrimsonedGlass said: I'm very interested in testing/trying this sheet out for my group but I can't seem to figure out how to install it properly. I apologize for the noob question but I can't get it to look anything like the Work in progress page... I've added the HTML and CSS files to the custom character sheet in my game settings... but no avail.&nbsp; Are there other steps I need to take to get it setup? Thanks for the assist. I updated the branch so that the CSS, HTML, and translations are updated. Some of the translations using aria-label may not be working right now until I work on the build process.
Hello, N00b question here:&nbsp; I would like to play with your creation and test it out.&nbsp; How would I go about creating a game and importing your sheet (if you are allowing that, and it is possible to be done)?&nbsp; I have a plus level account if that matters. Thank you in advance!&nbsp;
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Nick T. said: I would like to play with your creation and test it out.&nbsp; How would I go about creating a game and importing your sheet (if you are allowing that, and it is possible to be done)?&nbsp; I have a plus level account if that matters. Using Custom Character sheets is a feature for Pro users.

Edited 1594867476
I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to get the sheet to work. I'm feeling a little dumb, what all do I need to do to set it up? Edit- nevermind, I think I bumbled my way into getting it to work! Thanks so much for making this, Codeacula!
Just wanted to stop in and say that this looks great!! I am thinking of starting a 6e game and your sheet looks really nice and robust. Keep up the awesome work.
Now I'm confused. Is it on?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Pablo A. said: Now I'm confused. Is it on? Yeah, it's available, but Mistakenly under the name "Shadow Run", so you might miss it in the dropdown when typing.
Andreas J. said: Pablo A. said: Now I'm confused. Is it on? Yeah, it's available, but Mistakenly under the name "Shadow Run", so you might miss it in the dropdown when typing. You mean that other sheet, in German? That's all that I can find.
It's not available yet. I took a hiatus and am getting back on it this week.
This sheet looks great!&nbsp; Question though, is there a way to roll the dice from the sheet?&nbsp; If there is than I am dumb... lol&nbsp; I am holding off until you get a working copy because this is awesome!
Looks like my last update got eaten. Matthew G. said: This sheet looks great!&nbsp; Question though, is there a way to roll the dice from the sheet?&nbsp; If there is than I am dumb... lol&nbsp; I am holding off until you get a working copy because this is awesome! I was going to wait to do that, but I think I will give it a go today. I spent some time recently working on the javascript side of the sheet, trying to understand Roll20's quirks. I also had to fight with being stuck on what to do on the overview page, because I had forgotten my mantra of just do *something* and figure out how to make it look better later. So, today I'm going to try and get ranged weapons to show up, get a dice roll button, and work on the flyout. From there we'll repeat it for the other sections until we have a working sheet, then we can look at redesigning it. I wish I could get the designers at work to give me a design, but honestly it's one of the few professional challenges I face when working on this sheet, so I should probably embrace the opportunity to practice.

Edited 1596372222
I spent most of yesterday after that post working out how I'm going to show/hide fields on the overview automatically. The idea will be that if you don't have entries in something (Like Magic) then you don't need to see that overview. Next I'm going to have it do some auto calc so each attack rating on a range weapon on the overview screen includes your skill level and clicking it will roll that many dice. Today, though, I'm working on one of my other projects, and playing some games ;)
That will be really useful.&nbsp; I wish that I knew anything on how to do what you do, but alas I do not.&nbsp; So I will wait patiently for experts to do their thing!&nbsp; Thank you again! Good Hunting out there!

Edited 1597889245
Codeacula any update for this character sheet, the group I'm in would love to use this. Please take your time as I know it can be a real hassle to work with the roll20 side of thing. A big thumbs for the person that can do what I can not. Thanks for the hard work.