This has probably been asked before but I didn't pull it up in a search. I have created the following macro from several sources: &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} casts Cure Wounds on}} {{?{Cast on|Leaf|Barzaphir|Bofri|Aias|Yoshi|Zindela}}} {{?{Level| 1st Level, **1st Level Cure Wounds Cast:** [[1d8+@{selected|wisdom_mod}]]| 2nd Level, **2nd Level Cure Wounds Cast:** [[2d8+@{selected|wisdom_mod}]]|3rd Level, **3rd Level Cure Wounds Used:** [[3d8+@{selected|wisdom_mod}]]|4th Level, **4th Level Cure Wounds Used:** [[4d8+@{selected|wisdom_mod}]] } HP recovered}} Is it possible to have the die roll added to a target character's token?