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[AD&D 2E Revised] Roll template, Repeating Magic resistance, styling and bug fixes

July 13 (4 years ago)

Edited July 13 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Hello Roll20 users.

I have been at it again with more changes to our beloved AD&D 2E sheet. Here are the new features, updates and bugfixes I have made :)

New Features

Roll templates


  • The 2ESpell Rolltemplate was missing the section for Reference to the PHB, and the section for Spell Materials. Also the styling of Healing was not in bold.
  • Added RollTemplates for 2EProtScroll and 2EInverseCheck

Repeating Magic resistance

In my current campaign I am playing and Elf with a racial bonus of 90% resistance to Sleep and Charm-related spells and I also have 15% fire resistance from a Ring of Fire Resistance, but currently it is only possible to add a single Magic resistance. So I moved the section out and made it reapeating. I kept the single static entry to avoid having players lose data.


  • Magic resist movedout of Saving Throw section
  • Added repeating fields so multiple different magic resistance can be added
  • Added placeholder text to the notes field, describing some of the most common modifiers for saving throws.

AC for Missile attacks


  • Added AC category vs Missile attacks, as a Body Shield gives +1 vs melee (like other shield) and +2 vs missile.
  • Added notes explaining what modifiers are removed for each category. These are only guidelines, as a Back/Rear attack generally does not benefit from a shield, but if the player has slung his shield on his back, the shield will give him a bonus.
    Same goes for Surprised. A shield my or my not help when surprised, depending on where it is.
  • Added Dexterity Reaction Adjustment from the ability score tab to the Surprise roll section.
    OBS: The value from Dexterity Reaction Adjustment have always been added to the Surprise roll itself, but now it is more visible as the value is shown next to Racial, Class, and Misc. The Dex value is linked to the Attribute Tab, so if it is changed in one place, it is also changed in the other.

Initiative for Potions, Dusts, and Scrolls

Sometimes these items have to be used in combat, so an initiative button was missing for that. Also added some headers for better indication of what goes where.


  • Added headers for the first repeating element to indicate what the values for the input fields are
  • Adding a little padding between repeating elements to better separate them.
  • Added Speed input and Initiative button. Potion speed input has default value 4, as per the PHB, page. 125. Dusts and Scrolls have a default speed value of 3 as the Miscellaneous Magic is +3. Scrolls should be modified to their actualy read / cast time. +3 was chosen for scrolls to avoid them having +0 as a default value.

Bug fixes

BirthRight currency weight

Apparently Gold Bars in BirthRight was not added to the weight of a character. Maybe this is because you are playing as a Noble and a very rich guy, so it is assumed that a slave is carrying all your belongings, but I found it annoying. I was unable to find any official statement of the weight or size of a Gold Bar, so I tried to do my best guessing and followed the regular currency conversion, and weight conversion.

A Gold bar is worth 2000 Gold Pieces, and 50 Gold Pieces weighs 1 lbs, so 2000 / 50 = 40 lbs or about 20 kilos.
Gold has a density of 19,3 g/cm^3, so 20000g / 19,3 g/cm^3 = 1036 cm^3 or about the volume of 1 liter of water / 2 lbs of water.

If anyone have any better source of the weight of a Gold Bar in the BirthRight setting, please let me know, and I will update the calculations


This was all my changes. Hope you like them!

Again a HUGE BIG ASS Shout out to Andreas J. for uploading my code and helping me test the functionality of all changes :)


July 13 (4 years ago)

Will these changes be applied to sheets which already exist? 

July 13 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Lexin said:

Will these changes be applied to sheets which already exist? 

Yes. I have made a pull request for master branch of Roll20 source code, so that this change will be updated and sent out to all users of this sheet.

July 13 (4 years ago)

Fantastic, thank you. These sheets are hugely useful, I still have a AD&D2e campaign running.

July 23 (4 years ago)

Thank you for your work on this 2E sheet. True hero stuff, no joke! A humble request for something I've wanted from this sheet for years:

The Player's Option knockdown die field in line with the "damage" rows on the sheet's "Weapons" taband a simple roll button next to the field to roll the die, just like the fields/buttons for weapons damage:

(^ In short, the new field/button would work the same as the "damage" fields/buttons already do, it'd just have the word "Knockdown" above it.

Knockdown dice are a simple & single die value for each weapon, e.g. "d10" by the book's standard, seen above, or "d4", "d6", etc... but "1d10", etc. would be fine for the sheet, because "1d10" is really what "d10" means in the C&T row above. This proposed field doesn't really need any additional checks or anything more complex than the existing fields shown above for damage dice.)

...I'm very glad to see the Player's Option support continue. It's one big reason this sheet's remained so crucial for AD&D 2E DMs for so long.

For newer players, it would be an immense help to have the knockdown die and the roll button for it right there on the sheet, next to the same rolls you make at the same time for that weapon, rather than tucked away somewhere else to use for scripting purposes.

As a Player's Option DM depending on this sheet to run Roll20 games, all I really want from this add is: 1) that the field exist, 2) that it take the die value if one's given, and 3) that Roll20 rolls & outputs a simple chat message when a button's pressed next to the field, in the same manner as "Dam SM" or "Dam L". Everything else for me is just rewriting existing macros/scripts to match, and the benefit to my players would be enormous.

(If this is far outside anything anyone has planned in the future, I'm also happy to take a crack at adding it to the tab myself since support for the sheet has kicked off again... I figured I'd ask here first to keep from repeating work. Please let me know if there's a more appropriate place for this conversation than this thread, and I'll pick it up there.)

July 23 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Nick R. said:

Thank you for your work on this 2E sheet. True hero stuff, no joke! A humble request for something I've wanted from this sheet for years:

The Player's Option knockdown die field in line with the "damage" rows on the sheet's "Weapons" taband a simple roll button next to the field to roll the die, just like the fields/buttons for weapons damage:

(^ In short, the new field/button would work the same as the "damage" fields/buttons already do, it'd just have the word "Knockdown" above it.

Knockdown dice are a simple & single die value for each weapon, e.g. "d10" by the book's standard, seen above, or "d4", "d6", etc... but "1d10", etc. would be fine for the sheet, because "1d10" is really what "d10" means in the C&T row above. This proposed field doesn't really need any additional checks or anything more complex than the existing fields shown above for damage dice.)

...I'm very glad to see the Player's Option support continue. It's one big reason this sheet's remained so crucial for AD&D 2E DMs for so long.

For newer players, it would be an immense help to have the knockdown die and the roll button for it right there on the sheet, next to the same rolls you make at the same time for that weapon, rather than tucked away somewhere else to use for scripting purposes.

As a Player's Option DM depending on this sheet to run Roll20 games, all I really want from this add is: 1) that the field exist, 2) that it take the die value if one's given, and 3) that Roll20 rolls & outputs a simple chat message when a button's pressed next to the field, in the same manner as "Dam SM" or "Dam L". Everything else for me is just rewriting existing macros/scripts to match, and the benefit to my players would be enormous.

(If this is far outside anything anyone has planned in the future, I'm also happy to take a crack at adding it to the tab myself since support for the sheet has kicked off again... I figured I'd ask here first to keep from repeating work. Please let me know if there's a more appropriate place for this conversation than this thread, and I'll pick it up there.)

Hello Nick R.

I could definitly look into adding this. So all you need is another input field and a button to roll for it.

You can message me directly, for more information, such as if there is any useful information such as 

  • Should the field have a default value.
  • What should the message exactly be

About adding the field, I would prefer only adding the field to the Player's Options section as this value is not present in the PHB, and I try to keep the Standard section based on the PHB, to create some simplicity for new players.

August 13 (4 years ago)

Just saw the announcement on knockdown dice - thank you! I appreciate it.

August 17 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Nick R. said:

Just saw the announcement on knockdown dice - thank you! I appreciate it.

You are welcome! :)

Next time you request a feature, I would highly appreciate it if you could be a little more present for discussion the development of the feature :)

September 04 (4 years ago)
Understood, wasn't on Roll20 much at all recently, but I do still appreciate the added feature.
September 05 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Nick R. said:

Understood, wasn't on Roll20 much at all recently, but I do still appreciate the added feature.

That's good to hear :)