Hello, and again a noob api question :-) I am using PowerCards API, Alter Bars API, (and TokenMod if that would be any help) and the Pathfinder2 sheet. Hit Points are in Bar 3. I want to make a "Rest" Macro. The formula for regaining hit points from resting is: you regain Hit Points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) times your level The relevant Abilities from the sheet are level constitution_modifer Question #1: what would be the formula for Alter Bars? (Or TokenMod if it is easier with that script) Question #2: How do i implement this formula into PowerCards? (with the Amount being shown in PowerCards)? Question #3: How do i get Alter Bars to heal that amount automatically without overhealing? (Or TokenMod if this is used) It should look like this: The regained hit point formula in this example is wrong (it's --Regained Hit Points:|[[ @{selected|level}*(1+@{selected|constitution_modifier}) ]] because i don't know how the implement the "minimum" in the formula). For the healing, i tried to use a variable within PowerCards....but i won't work (i guess because i can't get variables running...dunno why...beside "myself" as a reason....i just don't get it how they work) So.....hopefully someone can help me (after some hours trying this or that and going mad about it) Thank you very much in advance !!!! Steve / H0ND0 EDIT: The complete macro so far (bar 1 is the numbers of rogue poison the character has available) !power {{ --titlebackground|none --titlefontshadow|none --format|recharge --name|Daily Preparations --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|@{selected|token_name} makes his dailiy preparations... --Poison:| You are preparing your Rogue Poison --Amount:|[[@{selected|level}]] --Regained Hit Points:|[[ @{selected|level}*(1+@{selected|constitution_modifier}) ]] }} !token-mod --set bar1_value|[[ @{selected|level}]] The last "TokenMod" command is for the amount of poison in Bar 1