Yeah, I posted on the latest powercard thread. Kurt said it won't do that, but he'd look to see if it was possible. In the interim, I found a work around, but it's not pretty. Instead of putting all the logic in the powercards, whose conditionals are a bit limited when it comes to complex, compound statements, I split the powercard into multiple versions, one version to support each number of buttons I require. I decided on a limit of 2 choices/buttons per card, for each a positive and a negative outcome, and then the card calculates the outcome and, knowing how many buttons it needs, makes another powercard call to display the buttons, passing it the text for the button and the name of the ability to call (in my case the character sheet is static so the called card hard-codes that part), as well some flavor text. That card then displays the flavor text on the card and constructs the button using the arguments, something like --name|~0! !a *1|~1! !a *2|[~2!](~character name|~3!) where ~0! is the title, ~1! is the flavor text, ~2! is the text for the button, and ~3! is the name of the ability to invoke. It works, but it ain't pretty.