One of my players is playing a Ranger, and I'm trying to configure the buffs for Point Blank Shot, Favored Enemy and Favored Terrain, getting field names from the sheet and the buff sheet here. Point Blank is +1 to hit and damage Using +1 To Ranged ; +1 Ranged Attacks Damage Mod , it applies the bonus to hit for weapons that are ranged, but doesn't do anything for damage. I've tried using ranged_damage_bonus and ranged damage, capitalized and not, with no impact. ////////////////////////////////// For Favored Enemy , the ranger gets +2 attack +2 damage As well as +2 Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival For Favored Terrain , the ranger gains a +2 Initiative, +2 Knowledge (geography), +2 Perception, +2 Stealth, and +2 Survival Using +2 To Ranged;+2 to Melee I get the appropriate attack bonus but I am unable to get any of the bonus damage or skill bonuses to apply, or the Initiative bonus. Any assistance would be appreciated.