<a href="https://roll20.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037773493-Character-Sheet-Translation#CharacterSheetTranslation-DesigningYourSheet" rel="nofollow">https://roll20.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037773493-Character-Sheet-Translation#CharacterSheetTranslation-DesigningYourSheet</a> Since creating one single design that can fit multiple sizes of translated text can be hard, we've added a class to the parent "charsheet" element to let you have separate css for individual languages. The class is "lang-[2 char language code]", so if the language is English "lang-en" or French "lang-fr". This will allow you, after your sheet has been translated, to change a style, specifically for one language, if the new text for that language doesn't fit your current design. Curious if anyone can point out a sheet where this has been done? I would like a show a given logo for a sheet based off of the user's language. Safe to assume I need to include ".sheet-" on the css page? ie .sheet-lang-pt I specifically need to make a change to "pt-br" which is obviously not a normal "[2 char language code]" as mentioned on zendesk/wiki. I'm wondering if using .sheet-lang-pt-br will work? I'm asking since I don't think this can be tested without actually adding the changes and allowing the vtt to make the translation on a live sheet. TIA