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Shaped 5e Sheet

So trying to create an artificer for agame (we have access to all the content) but the new Artificer will not show up in the Shaped 5e Sheet - Is this known? is there a bug? Or is my group missing something?

Edited 1595014057
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
The Shaper sheet haven't been updated in like 1½ years, so it's current version predates the existence of the official Artificer class. So no, not a bug, the sheet just haven't received any updates in a while.
Hmmm is there a decent character sheet that is good for current content ?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
The D&D 5E by Roll20 is the best supported sheet, which is also compendium compatible for all the marketplace stuff & includes the Charactermancer for creating & leveling your 5e characters. It's by far the most used Roll20 sheet, but there are other less used community options if the official one isn't something to your liking.
We have used this sheet until recently. But since the Russian translation was very bad, we decided to do it ourselves. But we ran into a problem. This sheet in the git hub repository has an error. There is no dependence of saved rolls from characteristics when creating new characters. By making changes by analogy with those characters that were created on the sheet in roll20, it worked. And the translation has already been done and it looks much better than it was. Can you find somewhere html and css that are now on roll20 of this sheet? Or is it possible to put your localization file on this sheet?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Your best bet for making changes to the official sheet is to use the Legacy version. The sheet was moved into proprietary development in the last year, but the last publicly available version is on the Roll20 sheet repo .

Edited 1595243766
The Legacy version is terrible and completely different from the simple version. In addition, we have already done a translation of a simple sheet. Can you get it exactly? The one on roll20 and in the repository is different. And in addition, the characters did not transfer normally from one to another. And this is a huge job. If you do not want to give html for reasons I do not understand, there is a repository and there you seem to post your sheets. So maybe you just add a localization file for the sheet? Anyway, what was there was translated by 4-6%, we have the same at 90%. The translation was taken from the player's Russian book.
Forum Champion
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First off, I don't represent Roll20 in any way. I'm not an employee. I can only offer experience and advice, but can't affect policy nor speak with authority. If you would like to submit a new localization file for the official sheet, post that in the official feedback thread ( D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 ). They would almost certainly jump at the chance to improve translations.

Edited 1595260743
Working html what can I get? The one in the repository doesn't work as it should. And also why should I offer a translation in D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 if it was made for this sheet (from Shepard). I write in the subject sheet for which has spaces.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Sorry, I misunderstood. We were talking about a lot of different sheets and I thought the subject had moved on to the Roll20 sheet. You had asked if there were other sheets, Andreas mentioned the Roll20 sheet and you replied "We have used this sheet until recently". I assumed you were responding to Andreas' recommendation. Probably a confusion of translation. Here is what is available from the ones discussed: Legacy D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet - All files available on github D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet - Proprietary, no sheet available 5eShaped_legacy - Don't use. It's very old and was included only because some folks did not want to upgrade. 5e Shaped - As far as I know, the version on the Roll20 repo is the last version available. Here is a link to the wiki . The raw code for  html ,  css , and  translation  are also linked. The issue tracker has been taken offline, since the developer no longer wishes to maintain the sheet. This is the last version.

Edited 1595269150
5e Shaped -on the git hub does not work like the one built into the roll20. Saved throw do not work. Therefore, I ask where to get the working version which is now on roll20.
Sheet Author
RTLong said: 5e Shaped -on the git hub does not work like the one built into the roll20. Saved throw do not work. Therefore, I ask where to get the working version which is now on roll20. Kieth answered your question.  That github is where all community created character sheet code is submitted and held.  That is the code that is in use on Roll20. 
Okay, then the question. Why save throws work in one case. And in the other not if they are the same?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Can you give a specific example which someone could replicate?
Sorry, it looks like the error is still mine. I checked everything again, it looks like the jamb starts when you insert the translation. Very strange. Now I will try to give a video of the bug. Checked the translation, json with the debugger. There are no errors.
Oh, I found it! ... There was an extra space in my file ... And the debugger did not swear at him. Thank you for your patience. I can upload a file for this sheet if necessary. You seemed to say that you can give it to the community for evaluation.