Ah, something I was forgetting - you can't reuse the NPC's stealth roll for multiple checks. The two options are: Don't use the success evaluation, just output the creature's roll vs each player's PP and eyeball it. That would look like this: &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} Stealth Check}} [[?{Advantage on NPC stealth?|No,1d20|Advantage,2d20kh1|Disadvantage,2d20kl1}+@{selected|npc_stealth}]] {{Samalyn=[[@{Samalyn|passive_wisdom}?{Samalyn PP advantage?|No,+0|Advantage,+5|Disadvantage,-5}[Adv]]] vs $[[0]] stealth}} {{Scarlet=[[@{Scarlet|passive_wisdom}?{Scarlet PP advantage?|No,+0|Advantage,+5|Disadvantage,-5}[Adv]]] vs $[[0]] stealth}} {{Zee=[[@{Zee|passive_wisdom}?{Zee PP advantage?|No,+0|Advantage,+5|Disadvantage,-5}[Adv]]] vs $[[0]] stealth}} Alternatively, roll the NPC's stealth first, then run this macro and enter it into a Query. For the players, a green box is a pass, red box is fail: &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|character_name} Stealth Check}} ?{NPC Stealth Roll?|10} {{Samalyn=[[ 1d[[floor([[@{Samalyn|passive_wisdom}?{Samalyn PP advantage?|No,+0|Advantage,+5|Disadvantage,-5}]]/?{NPC Stealth Roll?})]]cs>1cf0 ]] - ([[@{Samalyn|passive_wisdom}?{Samalyn PP advantage?}]]vs[[?{NPC Stealth Roll?}]])}} {{Scarlet=[[ 1d[[floor([[@{Scarlet|passive_wisdom}?{Scarlet PP advantage?|No,+0|Advantage,+5|Disadvantage,-5}]]/?{NPC Stealth Roll?})]]cs>1cf0 ]] - ([[@{Scarlet|passive_wisdom}?{Scarlet PP advantage?}]]vs[[?{NPC Stealth Roll?}]])}} {{Zee=[[ 1d[[floor([[@{Zee|passive_wisdom}?{Zee PP advantage?|No,+0|Advantage,+5|Disadvantage,-5}]]/?{NPC Stealth Roll?})]]cs>1cf0 ]] - ([[@{Zee|passive_wisdom}?{Zee PP advantage?}]]vs[[?{NPC Stealth Roll?}]])}} Do either of these look useful? Kinda running into the limitation of not being able to reuse rolls. The API could handle this though. A macro can't really handle an unknown number of rolls & calculations, so you won't be able to get this to run for a whole bunch of NPCs at once, you'd have to select them one by one and run it for each enemy type that is trying to stealth. The player version of the macro would be a bit different. Are you rolling stealth for them, or do they roll? Or are you using group stealth? Edit - whoops, modified the second macro... copied the wrong one in there!