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Allow to avoid token markers resize and include numbers higher that 9

Score + 34

Edited 1595522502
Where you use heavily token markers (and now we do it even more because the custom token markers library is a great incentive), the markers on the tokens become smaller and smaller so that it is impossible to use them anymore. This is a shame... because now we can have fantastic markers but we cannot properly use them... Could you please add the option to avoid that and let the markers go beyond the token as it was before? Also, could you give the option to include in the markers numbers that are higher than 9?  These two things will greatly improve our game experience. Could you please find a solution? Thanking you very much for taking this into consideration! Costa
I know, this is a real issue. What is the sense of having plenty of markers and not the possibility to use them... Please do something.
Absolutely agree! You need a microscope sometimes! Insane...
Yes please! Could you solve this issues? We love markers but they become too small!
+1. Especially critical for those who buy massve modules like Curse of Strahd, for example. If i'm not mistaken, zoom distance and visibility of these markers is more difficult on very large maps.
Palanthis said: +1. Especially critical for those who buy massve modules like Curse of Strahd, for example. If i'm not mistaken, zoom distance and visibility of these markers is more difficult on very large maps. Yes, I absolutely agree!
+1. For 4e anything above level 6 can apply a ton of conditions. Scaling the markers down makes them sadly unusable. Plugging Related Marker suggestions: Marker numbers > 9 & Mass marking.
Yes Please it is impossible to read, especially with my older eyes.
I vote yes to this please
Everyone here might want to cancel their votes here and add them (and their comments!) to this suggestion instead: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> which already has (at the time of this post) 57 votes. Remember it (usually) takes 200 votes on a suggestion to get attention from the Roll20 devs.
Rabulias, the suggestion you speak of don't seem to talk at all about markers ' size (i didn't take the time to read all the thread, but the title doesn't mention that). I think it would be nice to merge the two threads actually. Or, to vote here instead, because this suggestion here seems to be more "complete" than the one your speak of.

Edited 1600123469
Palanthis said: Rabulias, the suggestion you speak of don't seem to talk at all about markers ' size (i didn't take the time to read all the thread, but the title doesn't mention that). I think it would be nice to merge the two threads actually. Or, to vote here instead, because this suggestion here seems to be more "complete" than the one your speak of. "Merge" not really an option until we get roll20's attention. I can't track down the 50+ people who upvoted the other one over the past 5 years XD, though I have been passing these around the community. That being said, definitely recommend folks upvote that one (and the other one I linked) if they've got the votes and care about token markers. Matt W. said: Plugging Related Marker suggestions: Marker numbers &gt; 9 &amp; Mass marking.
Thank you to all the ones that have supported this post... Three years have passed but we have not yet seen any improvement... Would you please consider addressing this issue, as it would significantly enhance our playability? Thank you.
Absolutely good point Palanthis! Palanthis said: Rabulias, the suggestion you speak of don't seem to talk at all about markers ' size (i didn't take the time to read all the thread, but the title doesn't mention that). I think it would be nice to merge the two threads actually. Or, to vote here instead, because this suggestion here seems to be more "complete" than the one your speak of.
I really support this post and suggestion and do not understand why the development team has not yet fixed such a thing! The success of Roll20 largely hinges on its adaptability, allowing us to tailor the platform to fit a wide range of games. I think the focus should remain on refining the platform and this incredible adaptability rather than leaning toward creating adaptations for specific games. The recent introduction of the custom token markers library was a wonderful addition, but it has also highlighted some limitations.&nbsp; For those of us who utilize multiple token markers, the icons become increasingly small, making them virtually unusable. Would it be possible to revert to the earlier system where markers could extend beyond the token or find any other solution? This would make it easier to see and utilize these markers, which are essential for many of us, and make our games more interesting and fun... Additionally, the current system limits us to numbers that are 9 or lower on the markers. Being able to use numbers higher than 9 would offer a more nuanced way to track various game elements, further enriching our gaming experience. These are seemingly small changes, but they can have a significant impact on the game experience as well as the adaptability and usability of the Roll20 platform. UP! UP! UP!