This has been bogging me quite a while. The single chat Channel that we have now is not enough. IC Chat, Whispers, OOC Chat, Rolls, Spellcards, etc all of that stuff is just to much noise, and robs the chat of any informational value. You can't really use it, for IC chat, because it gets drowned, everyone does chatmenues for their abilities etc pp. We need different Channels. At the minimum we need: IC Channel for IC Chat and IC Emotes OOC Chat Information for Spellcards etc Rolls for Rolls and Menus. It would even be better to have an additional macro channel, where macros could put their chat menus etc. All channels should be adressable via macros and api, but the default should be either the Rolls channel or the optional macros channel, to keep the other channels clean. This way we can filter out the irrelevant information, and don't get drowned in in it. Whispers should open a new "sub-tab" next to the channels tabs, so they keep out of the way. In an optimal case whispers also would have optional toggles between ic and ooc, and be kept seperate, but I'd see this as optional. With those Changes, the Chat regains its informational value, and is actually usable again for what it is meant to be used for, and isn't a random collection of macro and api output, with rolls and occasional bits of chats anymore.