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[Script] WeaponArcs -- Visible arcs that follow your token and maintain their relative rotation.

July 25 (4 years ago)

Edited August 04 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Update v0.1.3 -- added Arcs on the Edge, as well as Offset distances. (Thanks Angelo)

Update v0.1.2 -- fixed bug where WeaponArcs won't allow any paths to be changed, rather than just the Arc paths. (Thanks David M.)

Update v0.1.1 -- fixed crash when no angle or rotation are specified in the first argument.  (Thanks Tim M)

WeaponArcs v0.1.0

WeaponArcs provides a means to add weapon arcs to tokens for visualization of range and targetable tokens.

(Space Ships by Wolf's Forge: Super Spaceships Tokens)


!weapon-arc [--help | --add <[angle|]width> <[offset|]range> [fill color] [stroke color] [stroke thickness] | --addEdge <[angle|]width> <[offset|]range> [fill color] [stroke color] [stroke thickness] | --remove-at <angle> [angle ...] | --clear]
  • --help -- Displays this help
  • --add -- Creates an arc attached to each selected token.
    • angle|width -- A pair of numbers in degrees. angle is the direction off of the token that the arc will be centered on. 0 is up on the token (the direction of the Rotation handle), and numbers proceed clockwise. width is the width of the arc, to be centered on the angle direction. If angle| is omitted, it is treated as 0.
    • offset|range -- A pair of numbers that describe the distance where the arc begins and how long it is. offset moves the origin of the arc away from the default (center of the token for --add). offset defaults to 0distance is the length of the arc from the arc origin to the outer edge. You can use u for Roll20 Units (70px), g for grid scale units, or any of sftmkmmiincmunhex, or sq for map scale units.
    • fill color -- (Optional) This is the color the arc will be filled with. It must be an HTML color code and can include an opacity. It can be any of 3, 4, 6, or 8 letter formats: #RGB#RGBA#RRGGBB, or #RRGGBBAA Omitting the opacity will default to 99. The color defaults to #990000.
    • stroke color -- (Optional) This is the color of the line around the arc. It must be an HTML color code and can include an opacity. It can be any of 3, 4, 6, or 8 letter formats: #RGB#RGBA#RRGGBB, or #RRGGBBAA Omitting the opacity will default to ee. The color defaults to #330000.
    • stroke thickness -- (Optional) This is the thickness of the line around the arc. It can be any positive number and will default to 3.
  • --addEdge -- Identical to --add, except it starts from the edge of the token.
  • --remove-at -- Removes arcs at the specified angles from all selected tokens.
  • --clear -- Removes all arcs attached to the selected tokens.


Created arcs will maintain their position with regards to the token they are attached to. Moving the token will cause them to move, rotating will rotate them, etc. A token on the objects layer will have attached arcs on the map layer. A token on the gm layer will have attached arcs on the gm layer. If you move a token from the gm layer to the objects layer or vice versa, the arcs will be moved the the correct layer.

Note: Because of a bug with the toFront() Roll20 function, arcs on the map layer will take a second to appear. Creating multiple arcs will take 1 second for each arc.

Note: Changes made using TokenMod will also be respected. Feel free to rotate, position, and move all you like.

You can specify multiple arguments on the command line:

!weapon-arc --add 90 3u --add 15 7u

Note: You can use the {{ and }} to span multiple lines with your command for easier clarity and editing:

!weapon-arc {{
  --add 90 3u #660 #00ff00cc 7
  --add -90|60 2u
  --add 90|60 2u
  --add 180|20 8u #600a


Creating an arc in the forward direction which is 15 degrees wide and 7 units long with the default colors and strokes:

!weapon-arc --add 15 7u

Creating an arc in the forward direction, starting 3 units from the center of the token, which is 15 degrees wide and 7 units long with the default colors and strokes:

!weapon-arc --add 15 3u|7u

Creating an arc in the forward direction, starting at the edge of the token, which is 15 degrees wide and 7 units long with the default colors and strokes:

!weapon-arc --addEdge 15 7u

Creating an arc in the forward direction, starting 3 units from the edge of the token, which is 15 degrees wide and 7 units long with the default colors and strokes:

!weapon-arc --addEdge 15 3u|7u

Inline rolls are supported, including rollable tables.

!weapon-arc --add [[(1d8*45)]]|[[20+(1d6*5)]] [[5+1d3]]g [[1t[arcColorAndSize]]]

Removing the arc at 90 degrees.

!weapon-arc --remove-at 90

Removing the arcs at 90, 45, 120, and 180 degrees.

!weapon-arc --remove-at 90 45 120 180

Clearing all arcs.

!weapon-arc --clear

Clearing all arcs, then adding four new ones

!weapon-arc {{
  --add 90 3u #660 #00ff00cc 7
  --add -90|60 2u
  --add 90|60 2u
  --add 180|20 8u #600a


If you use my scripts, want to contribute, and have the spare bucks to do so, go right ahead. However, please don't feel like you must contribute just to use them! I'd much rather have happy Roll20 users armed with my scripts than people not using them out of some sense of shame. Use them and be happy, completely guilt-free!
Disclaimer: This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions.
July 25 (4 years ago)

This seriously blows my mind that you had a request 4 days ago and now you've written a script like this!  I don't do any spacefaring roleplaying, but this is totally useful for D&D cones (especially breath weapons) and spheres and things.  Nice work! 

I don't play in any game that requires this, but mind = blown nonetheless. :)

July 25 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Thanks!  Wish I'd had time to work on it before today. =D

July 25 (4 years ago)

Edited July 25 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

wow, what a great concept.

July 25 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Looks like a great way to do cone spell templates.

I am blown away...  Very very cool, thanks.

July 25 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Sweet.  Let me know if you have any enhancement requests, of if you hit any bugs.

July 27 (4 years ago)

Edited July 27 (4 years ago)
API Scripter

Meant to post this, earlier. Was too busy looking for my lower jaw.

July 27 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter


I love this script. One of my players is a wizard and he was asking about Cone and Burst AoE markers he could use. This will come in handy for that.

One problem I am having and I know it is probably something easy but I have a macro that I created and works fine as a GM since I can target any token to put the effect onto. But what I want to do is set it up so my player can use it and it will ask them to pick a target and then put the type they pick onto the target token.

!weapon-arc --add ?{Type|Cone, 60|Burst, 360} ?{Size|} ?{Color|Red, #ff0000|Blue, #6d9eeb|Green, #00ff00}

I'm not sure where of how to put @{target|token_id} into this, as I have tried and it asks for the target, drop down menu for Type, Size, & Color come up but then nothing happens.

HI Aaron.  I've been fiddle-farting around with this and loving it.  I was just playing with the two first arguments, angle|width and range.  I'm having difficulty understanding the definitions of angle and width.  Anyway, I tried:

!weapon-arc --add |70 12km

And this generated a scripting error that I was unsure about clearing - I had to close my console and the game and restart and all was OK.  Here's a screen shot of the console:


All the best,

July 27 (4 years ago)
David M.
API Scripter

This is super cool!

@Tim M -- Looks like you just omitted the angle in your command. If you include the pipe (|) in the --add option, seems to be looking for both angle (the direction of the centerline of the cone relative to token) and width (the full cone angle), e.g. --add 90|45 creates a cone with centerline 90deg clockwise from the top of the token, and a 45deg cone angle. The help says if you want to use the default rotation direction (straight up), omit angle and the pipe.

July 27 (4 years ago)

Edited July 27 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

What David M. said. =D  

Update v0.1.1 -- fixed crash when no angle or rotation are specified in the first argument.  (Thanks Tim M)

July 27 (4 years ago)
API Scripter

this looks amazing!

it would be great to have an "offset-mode" that makes the area start at the edge of the current square.

For instance in these cases i would expect the area to start at the circled anchor point

!weapon-arc --add 90 3u #00ffff33 #00ffffff 3

!weapon-arc --add 45|90 3u #00ffff33 #00ffffff 3

July 27 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Angelo, is that more about the range being 3u from the edge, or about the arc a 90|45 arc not including half the squares in front of the token, or both?  

The two points you circled are at 2 different distances from the center of the token: .5u and (.5*sqrt(2))u  Would the intent of an offset for you mean starting a constant distance from the center or starting on the edge of the bounding square?  Would you expect a 90|45 arc on a token rotated 45º to be on the grid edge, or the token edge?  And would you expect it to update if you rotate the token?

July 27 (4 years ago)

Edited July 27 (4 years ago)
API Scripter

i am just thinking in terms of D&D 5e, if i say "3u" i would expect the area to start in front of my token and the edge to go all the way to 3 squares away (so to answer your question, both).

Diagonals are tricky but i was expecting them to be counted in the same way the ruler tool does (not sure if this is the same in all systems).

maybe it should always make it start in the square in front of my token, and from there pick the point on the edge/corner closest to my token? (half distance back towards the token)

EDIT: found this in the compendium showing a 30ft cone

July 27 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Your ruler is currently set to 4e, which is basically the longer of x or y.  If you set it to Euclidian, you'll se 15ft at the arc edge:

You can add an extra half unit in:

!weapon-arc --add 45|90 3.5u

I think the offset is a good idea regardless, so I'll try to add some options around that in a future update.  I would like to take this idea and extend it to more of a spell effect sort of script.

July 27 (4 years ago)

Edited July 27 (4 years ago)
David M.
API Scripter

Angelo said:

i am just thinking in terms of D&D 5e, if i say "3u" i would expect the area to start in front of my token and the edge to go all the way to 3 squares away (so to answer your question, both).

Diagonals are tricky but i was expecting them to be counted in the same way the ruler tool does (not sure if this is the same in all systems).

maybe it should always make it start in the square in front of my token, and from there pick the point on the edge/corner closest to my token? (half distance back towards the token)

EDIT - Cross posted with Aaron 

Using the diagonal measuring tool approach would result in a cone that extends farther than 3u along the XY axes, which wouldn't make much sense in 5e. To keep the XY also 3u, it would be a square! (4e, anyone?). So I think the range must remain a true radius. 

I agree that an --origin|[center/edge/corner] option would be awesome. Take the case of a Huge (3x3) creature casting burning hands (15ft cone, 3u range and 3u wide at the outer edge). Doesn't work as-is. See picture below, which used  --add 90|45 3u. Even if we did the extra math ahead of time o force the cone to extend the proper amount, it would be much wider at the "origin" than it should, and also too wide at the edge of the range (picture 2, forgive my reference triangle "cone"). 

You could get closer by reducing the cone angle, but again more math. Using the approximated --add 90|34 5u gives us picture 3 (almost there). As-is, accounting for token size could be built into formulas in the macros, but would require separate macros for each token size with the current version.

July 27 (4 years ago)

Edited July 28 (4 years ago)
API Scripter

The Aaron said:

Your ruler is currently set to 4e, which is basically the longer of x or y.  If you set it to Euclidian, you'll se 15ft at the arc edge:

You can add an extra half unit in:

!weapon-arc --add 45|90 3.5u

I think the offset is a good idea regardless, so I'll try to add some options around that in a future update.  I would like to take this idea and extend it to more of a spell effect sort of script.

I have never changed the ruler options, but from what i see in the page settings it's the same for 5e/4e, they don't use euclidean.

The problem with just adding the size to compensate is that it's still covering squares directly to your left/right that it's not supposed to be covering.

like David M was saying, having an "--origin|edge" option that automatically shifts it based on the token size would be amazing

something like this works, you would need to get the token size dynamically, but for non-euclidean the formula needs to be changed to something else

 const addWeaponArc = (token,rotation,angle,length,c1,c2,stroke) => {
    let data = buildArc(angle,length);
    let visible = 'objects' === token.get('layer');
    let newTop = token.get('top');
    let newLeft= token.get('left');
    let tokenSize = 70;
    let theta = degreeToRadian(rotation);
    newTop = newTop - tokenSize * 0.5 * Math.cos(theta);
    newLeft = newLeft + tokenSize * 0.5 * Math.sin(theta);
    let arc = createObj('path',{
      fill: c1,
      stroke: c2,
      stroke_width: stroke,
      rotation: token.get('rotation')+rotation,
      width: 2*data.maxX,
      height: 2*data.maxY,
      top: newTop,
      left: newLeft,
      scaleX: 1,
      scaleY: 1,
      layer: visible ? 'map' : 'gmlayer',
      path: pathDataFromPoints(data.points,rotation),
      pageid: token.get('pageid')

July 28 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

A 5e cone is approximately 60°. Or exactly 53.13°...

So I've been told. I'd use 60.

Opacity Question

Aaron, where in the command is opacity specified?  Your help entry indicates a default of 99, but where would one but an alternate value in an example like this one?

!weapon-arc  --add  120 @{selected|bar2}km #b6d7a8 #000000 1

David M. said:

This is super cool!

@Tim M -- Looks like you just omitted the angle in your command. If you include the pipe (|) in the --add option, seems to be looking for both angle (the direction of the centerline of the cone relative to token) and width (the full cone angle), e.g. --add 90|45 creates a cone with centerline 90deg clockwise from the top of the token, and a 45deg cone angle. The help says if you want to use the default rotation direction (straight up), omit angle and the pipe.

Roger that, thanks, David.

July 28 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Tim M said:

Opacity Question

Aaron, where in the command is opacity specified?  Your help entry indicates a default of 99, but where would one but an alternate value in an example like this one?

!weapon-arc  --add  120 @{selected|bar2}km #b6d7a8 #000000 1

It's in the HTML Color Entry.  

!weapon-arc  --add  120 @{selected|bar2}km #b6d7a899 #00000033 1


The Aaron said:

What David M. said. =D  

Update v0.1.1 -- fixed crash when no angle or rotation are specified in the first argument.  (Thanks Tim M)

Honoured to have been of help.  Is the update in the same location as your first post mentions on github?  I just copied what was there, but it appears to be the same, at least according to the help.

July 28 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Whoops!  grab it now, it should be there.  =D

The Aaron said:

Tim M said:

Opacity Question

Aaron, where in the command is opacity specified?  Your help entry indicates a default of 99, but where would one but an alternate value in an example like this one?

!weapon-arc  --add  120 @{selected|bar2}km #b6d7a8 #000000 1

It's in the HTML Color Entry.  

!weapon-arc  --add  120 @{selected|bar2}km #b6d7a899 #00000033 1


Thanks so much for both replies!

July 28 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

WeaponArcs 0.1.1 is in the 1-click installs now!

July 31 (4 years ago)
David M.
API Scripter

Accidentally ran across this: I've noticed that when I have weapon-arcs enabled, I am unable to move any non-arc paths on any layer. They just snap back to their original location. When I disable the script, I can move stuff again.

July 31 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Oh!!  I'll take a look.

July 31 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Update v0.1.2 -- fixed bug where WeaponArcs won't allow any paths to be changed, rather than just the Arc paths. (Thanks David M.)

August 03 (4 years ago)

Edited August 03 (4 years ago)
API Scripter

Hey Aaron, 

hope you don't mind but i took the liberty of slightly modifying the script and adding support for "edge areas".

I have added a new "--onEdge" option to toggle it (on --add) , it also fixes the scaling problems that another user was having.

In case you wanna merge it with yours here is a gist

I have changed addWeaponArc, and onGraphicChange and added a new refreshArcGraphic to support scaling and areas along edges if you just care about those changes.

The tricky part with the option is that i had to store that info somewhere and change how you were storing the original rotation, if you run this script and have some areas already saved/displayed those might be messed up (but you can clear all your areas with "!weapon-arc --clear" and then readd them), not sure if you can find a better solution


I have added an "--onOrigin" option as well and inside the defaults at the top a new one ("onEdge: false") to specify the default behavior

August 04 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
I'll take a look. I probably won't pull the code, but I plan on adding the functionality at least, though I might do it a different way. I have a way of dealing with updating the data storage based on the scemaVersion. You can look at checkInstall() in GroupInitiative fir an example of what it looks like. 
August 04 (4 years ago)

Edited August 04 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

omfg, if you are using optional facing rules, this is golden.  And shit you are forcing me to keep pace.  I've got to come up with something else :)

August 04 (4 years ago)

Edited August 04 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Update v0.1.3 -- added Arcs on the Edge, as well as Offset distances. (Thanks Angelo)

For arcs that begin at half the token's width away from the token, use the --addEdge subcommand:

!weapon-arc --addEdge 60 2u

You can also use --addE for convenience.  It's case insensitive, so --addedge and --adde work fine also. This operates in all over ways just like --add.

For offsets, you can preface the distance with an offset amount, just like you preface the width with an angle.  Here is a 1u offset.

!weapon-arc --add 60 1u|2u

Offset with addEdge will offset from the edge:

!weapon-arc --addedge 60 1u|2u

And of course, you can chain a bunch of them together:

This should be in the 1-click next week.  I'm pretty sure I missed the cut off for this week.

August 04 (4 years ago)
API Scripter


in that version there seems to be a bug when scaling a token, it doesn't refresh the offsets properly; also if the scale is non uniform it messes it up (e.g. 3u on height and 2u on width)

August 04 (4 years ago)

Edited August 04 (4 years ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Yeah, I was noticing the scale, problem the non-uniform I hadn't considered.  I'll look at that for 0.1.4. =D

On the non-uniform scale, where would you expect the edge to put it?

August 04 (4 years ago)
API Scripter

The Aaron said:

Yeah, I was noticing the scale, problem the non-uniform I hadn't considered.  I'll look at that for 0.1.4. =D

On the non-uniform scale, where would you expect the edge to put it?

I am personally not using non uniform scales (i play 5e), i am not sure what kind of behavior other systems would expect... if you look at the gist i have shared i was using cos/sin with the width/height separately and it seemed to be handling it fine