Hello Roll20 and AD&D players. I am at it again with another update for our beloved Advanced sheet. A small one this time :)
Here is the PR
New Feature: Knockdown for Player's Options Weapons
Requested by Nick R.
Bugsfix: Dust roll button
Found by Bilbo 2
Before | After |
Changes |
This is all for this time. A small but sweet update.
Special thanks
As always I want to give out special thanks to Andreas J. My one and only Forum Champion that helps me with uploading my code to roll 20 for tests! If you ever encounter him, respect him and thank him for his great work!
If any of you users out there have found any bugs, have ideas for new features or just general optimizations, please message me and I will see what I can do to fulfill your request.
Please give me as much details as possible, such as:
- In what rule book can I find more information?
- How would you like the feature to work from an end user perspective?
- Any specific popups or interaction with other fields, such as levels or ability scores should the feature be connected with?
I normally only play with the PHB, and do not know all the rules for all the extra books. :)