Hi everyone. looking for any players who are looking to play some Robotech. an anime mecha themed RPG based on the Robotech/Macross series. this game is designed for both new and old players new to both the system and the setting and the campaign is a learning game. i have a lot of experience running this very easy to play system with an emphasis on player imagination and freedom over cumbersome mechanics. the game uses the NEW Robotech Macross SMG system. if you are interested follow the link below and join the Robotech Academy as a student at an orbital space station training for the next deep space mission after the earth survived but was devastated by massive alien invasion in the Robotech war. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/180853/robotech-academy-days" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/180853/robotech-academy-days</a> game is starting in a few days and first session has not yet happened. current set time can be adjusted a little bit but not too much but we may be able to accommodate changes if you let me know.