aaaand Im back with more inane questions :)
Im trying to make an !api command to send a message to chat to help players with making macros our script uses.
Problem is I cannot send [[something]] with API to chat even with direct, it errors seeing it as a dice command.
Ive tried escaping all the brackets with \ that didnt help..anyone know if its possible? or will it always see it as a roll attempt?
Im trying to make an !api command to send a message to chat to help players with making macros our script uses.
Problem is I cannot send [[something]] with API to chat even with direct, it errors seeing it as a dice command.
if(msg.type == "api" && msgTxt.indexOf("!help") !== -1) { var ex = "!attack --[[1d20-3]] --[[1d4*10]] --DIE! --Rifle 3"; var ex1 = "<br>!attack --[[attackroll]] --[[damage]] --saying --Ammo #"; var help = fPart + "background-color:"+grayC+";'>"+ex+" "+ex1+"</div>"; sendChat('', "/direct " + help); }; });I'm trying to send this as text to chat, but cannot get it to take it.
Ive tried escaping all the brackets with \ that didnt help..anyone know if its possible? or will it always see it as a roll attempt?