let's say I change the spellcard to my liking and it's a damage spell that uses my modifer. Let's pretend it's Wis is 16 aka +3. So I put in the spell card the following [[1d8+@{wisdom_mod}]] - in the spell card it will show in yellow the total. That is perfectly fine. When you mouse over the total damage tho, it only shows the following info: 1d8+(3). What I want is to show -- 1d8+(Wisdom Mod)==1d8+(3) so my GM knows I am not fudging my numbers in the event he/she may think I may pull a fast one, for other macros, my GM has a piece of mind, including myself, as my character grows - we know my macros are corrects and adjust the number and we don't think the number is static. I hope I made sense.